C support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I worry about you. You know, all I have left is family. Please stay safe.
Type 2: ___, this is a tough battle. Try to be careful.
Type 3: Honorable ___, I hope you are well.
Type 4: Duke Tanas, I am not above looking out for you. Please be careful.
Type 5: King Caineghis, I know how much your tribe counts on you. Be careful–the enemy has many tricks.
Type 6: General ___, it’s tough out there. Use your head and you’ll stay safe.
Type 7: King Tibarn, I know how much your tribe needs you. Stay safe.
Type 8: King Naesala, this is a tough battle. Try to be careful.
Type 9: Lord ___, this must all be fairly shocking to you. Call for me if you have need.
Type 10: Prince ___, I know fighting is hardly your forte. Keep your wits about you.
Type 11: Princess ___, you seem so delicate to me. War hardly suits you. Call for me if you have need.
Type 12: Duke ___, I know you’re self-sufficient in battle, but still, I’m here if you need me.
Type 13: Elder ___, with all due respect, you seem far too…wise…to be fighting. Please be cautious.
Type 14: Queen Nailah, far be it from me to wonder about your battle skills, but I did want to see if everything’s OK with you.
Type 15: Lord Kurthnaga, please call on me if you have any need of my skills.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Ahh. Good to see you.. Please be cautious in battle.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, shall we fight together? We’ll be much stronger as a team.
Type 2: ___, please allow me stay near you. We’ll be much stronger fighting as a team.
Type 3: Honorable ___, please let me fight near you. We’ll be much stronger covering each others’ backs.
Type 4: Duke Tanas, why don’t we fight together? We’ll be much stronger fighting as a team.
Type 5: King Caineghis, may I fight near you? We’ll be much stronger tag-teaming the enemy.
Type 6: General ___, allow me to fight near you. We’ll be much stronger fighting together.
Type 7: King Tibarn, please let me fight near you. We can cover each others’ backs that way.
Type 8: King Naesala, may I fight near you? I’ll feel more confident knowing you’ve got my back.
Type 9: Lord ___, please let me stay close to you. Then we can join forces and fight the enemy two at a time.
Type 10: Prince ___, allow me to fight near you. I feel you need someone like me to watch over you.
Type 11: Princess ___, let me stay by your side. We can cover each other in battle that way.
Type 12: Sir ___, let me stay by you. We will be stronger joining our forces and fighting together.
Type 13: Elder ___, please let me stay near you. My youthful stamina could benefit your wisdom and power.
Type 14: Queen Nailah, may I fight with you? I think our combined power will be more effective.
Type 15: Lord Kurthnaga, let me stay close to you. We can help each other in battle.
B support – addressed
Type 1: I understand. That’s fine with me.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___…you can’t die! You’re the only family I have left. Who’ll protect me when you’re gone?!
Type 2: ___…please don’t leave me. I’ll be lost without you! Please… hang on for my sake…and yours!
Type 3: Honorable ___…please don’t leave me. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I beg you…live!
Type 4: Duke Tanas…don’t leave me. I know you’ve been vilified your whole life, but never by me! I care deeply for you.
Type 5: King Caineghis…please don’t leave us. Please…you are a glorious king. I need you. We all need you.
Type 6: General ___…do not give up. A strong soldier like you…you can make it. Just…breathe.
Type 7: King Tibarn…hold on. Without you, our fighting would be futile. Please… I beg you.
Type 8: King Naesala…don’t go without me. Please…I beg you.
Type 9: Lord ___… You’re too young to die. Not only that, but we need you for the cause. You must stay alive.
Type 10: Prince ___…you’re too beautiful to die! Please…promise me you’ll pull through.
Type 11: Princess ___…don’t die. I know we could be such great friends. I beg you…hang on.
Type 12: Sir ___…please don’t leave me. You are our rock of stability. I beg you…please.
Type 13: Elder ___… You can’t die now. Look how long you’ve already made it! I beg you…please.
Type 14: Queen Nailah…you can’t possibly die. Positively everyone relies on you. I beg you…live!
Type 15: Lord Kurthnaga…please don’t leave me. I beg you…please.
A support – addressed
Type 1: I know I’ll never be defeated while you are by my side. Together, we are invincible.