C support – addressing
Type 1: ___, may your weapon strike true!
Type 2: General ___, hello! I hope this battle goes well for you.
Type 3: ___, these guys are tough. Fight without doubt in your heart!
Type 4: Duke Tanas, I’m sure you’re fine, but I thought I’d check in on you.
Type 5: Prince ___, I stand ready to assist you, if you need me.
Type 6: ___, not like you need any help, but… I’m here just in case.
Type 7: ___, this battle seems tougher than most. Good luck.
Type 8: Duke ___, I’m sure you’re fine, but I thought I’d check in on you.
Type 9: King ___, pretty brutal fight, I’d say. Good luck.
Type 10: Queen ___, not to imply you need help, but I’m here for you, if you feel you need a hand.
Type 11: King Naesala, I’m sure you’re fine, but I thought I’d check in on you.
Type 12: King Tibarn, I’m sure you’re fine, but I thought I’d check in on you.
Type 13: Princess ___, you seem so vulnerable out here. Please be careful.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hello! I hope you’re enjoying yourself as much as my little beastie and I are.
Type 2: Hello! I hope you’re enjoying yourself as much as my little beastie and I are.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, I’ll back you up. Let’s attack as a team, not individually.
Type 2: General ___, let me back you up. What do you say we attack them as a team, not just individually?
Type 3: ___, let me back you up. We can attack as two, not just one, shall we?
Type 4: Duke Tanas, I’ll back you up. We can attack as a team instead of on our own.
Type 5: Prince ___, let me back you up. How about we attack as a team?
Type 6: ___, let me back you up. We can attack together, not just individually. We’ll be much stronger.
Type 7: ___, let me cover you. What do you say we attack these no-goods together, not just individually?
Type 8: Duke ___, let me back you up. Then I can cover your back as you cover mine.
Type 9: King ___, let me back you up. We can attack as a team, shall we?
Type 10: Queen ___, let me back you up. We can attack together as a stronger fighting force, don’t you think?
Type 11: King Naesala, let me back you up. We’ll be more effective fighting as a team.
Type 12: King Tibarn, let me back you up. We’ll be stronger pooling our strength, don’t you think?
Type 13: Princess ___, let me back you up. If we attack together we’ll be much more effective, don’t you think?
B support – addressed
Type 1: Roger… And thank you. That gives me heart.
Type 2: Understood. And I thank you. That gives me hope.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, you are very dear to me. Please, make it through all this. I would be lost without you.
Type 2: General ___, you are very dear to me. Please, make it through this, General.
Type 3: ___, I can’t tell you how much I’ve looked up to you over the years. Let’s survive this one together!
Type 4: Duke Tanas, you might be very dear to me. I mean, you know, in some abstract way. Um…please, don’t die?
Type 5: Prince ___, I really admire your views. Please, hang in there for me, Your Majesty.
Type 6: ___, you’ve taught me a great deal. Please, don’t leave me. I couldn’t bear to lose you.
Type 7: ___, you are very dear to me. Please, stick with me through all this. I’ve come to rely on you!
Type 8: Duke ___, you are very dear to me. Please, stick around, sir. We all rely on you!
Type 9: King ___, who knew a virtual stranger could grow on me so fast! Please, hang in there!
Type 10: Queen ___, you are very dear to me. Please, stay with me until the sweet end.
Type 11: King Naesala, you are, sort of, dear to me. Anyway, we need you. Please, stick around, Your Majesty.
Type 12: King Tibarn, you have no idea how much I look up to you. Please stay near me forever!
Type 13: Princess ___, you are very dear to me. Please, make it through this fight. We need you more than ever.
A support – addressed
Type 1: I’ll survive. I swear…on my father’s memory.
Type 2: I will not die. I swear it… on my father’s memory.