C support – addressing
Type 1: If it isn’t ___! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
Type 2: ___, as I live! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
Type 3: Well I’ll be! If it isn’t ___! If this old bird can lift a talon in your aid, it will be done.
Type 4: If it isn’t Duke Tanas! You know, we laguz say people don’t change. But it seems you have.
Type 5: As I live and breathe, who have we here but the lion king! From one adult to another, I offer my assistance.
Type 6: If it isn’t the young dragon prince! If you run into trouble, call on me. I’m an old bird, but I’ll do what I can.
Type 7: Apostle ___, as I live! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
Type 8: Who have we here, but young General ___?! I may be grizzled around the edges, but I can help!
Type 9: King Tibarn, as I live! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
Type 10: Queen Nailah, as I live and breathe! If you run into trouble, call on me. I’m an old bird, but I’ll do what I can.
Type 11: Nestling, letting your guard down is forbidden! Please accept this old bird’s help.
Type 12: King ___, as I live and breath! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
Type 13: Princess Leanne! Please allow this old bird to help keep you safe.
Type 14: Duke ___, as I live! This old bird will gladly assist you if you are in need.
C support – addressed
Type 1: More polite words were never spoken! This old bird is quite touched.
Type 2: My, my…such polite words! This old bird is touched, I can tell you!
B support – addressing
Type 1: W-wait up, ___! May I fly alongside you? I like to help whenever possible.
Type 2: W-wait up, ___! May I fly alongside you? I still have some fight in me yet!
Type 3: W-wait up, Honored ___! May I fly alongside you? If I’m good for anything, I’m good for blocking attacks!
Type 4: W-wait up, Duke Tanas! I always say, forgive and forget. Now, may I fly alongside you and protect you?
Type 5: W-wait up, King Caineghis! This old bird would like to fly alongside you. Is that acceptable?
Type 6: W-wait up, Dragon Prince! Now, I’ve always been fond of you. Allow me to fly alongside you and protect you!
Type 7: W-wait up, Apostle ___! You know you’re very important to us, my dear. May I protect you?
Type 8: W-wait up, General ___! I know you don’t think you need it, but I’d like to fly near you and protect you.
Type 9: W-wait up, King Tibarn! This old bird would like to fly alongside you. Is that acceptable?
Type 10: W-wait up, Queen Nailah! This old bird would like to fly alongside you. What do you say to extra protection?
Type 11: Wait up, nestling! May I fly with you like we used to? You’re never too big for help, you know!
Type 12: W-wait up, King ___! What do you say to having a little help from the sky? I’d like to protect you.
Type 13: W-wait up, Princess Leanne! Allow me to fly alongside you. You never know when you’ll need help.
Type 14: W-wait up, Duke ___! This old bird would like to fly alongside you. Is that acceptable?
B support – addressed
Type 1: It would be my honor. Leave this old bird to guard your back.
Type 2: My pleasure! Leave this old bird to guard your back.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, my friend, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You still have so much to live for.
Type 2: ___, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You still have so much to live for.
Type 3: ___… I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You have a long future before you.
Type 4: Duke Tanas… You’re no spring chicken, but you mustn’t kick off before this grizzled old raven! Hang in there.
Type 5: King Caineghis, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You are one of the greats, and we need you!
Type 6: Dragon Prince, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You still have a long future ahead of you.
Type 7: Apostle ___, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. We very much need you, my dear.
Type 8: General ___, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. We rely on you, my good sir.
Type 9: King Tibarn, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does.
Type 10: Queen Nailah, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You’re too important to us!
Type 11: Young master, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. Not if you care for my old bones at all!
Type 12: King ___, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. We need you more than you know!
Type 13: Princess Leanne, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. You’re too young and too important!
Type 14: Duke ___, I beg you, don’t die before this grizzled old raven does. We rely heavily upon you.
A support – addressed
Type 1: Hahaha! My dear, you haven’t seen how fast this old bird can turn on his tail! I will survive.
Type 2: I will live. Count on it! These old wings can outpace the best of them. Youth has nothing over wisdom!