C support – addressing
Type 1: ___, step lightly. This battle is more dangerous than it seems.
Type 2: Queen ___, please make sure to keep your guard up.
Type 3: Duke Tanas, I hope nothing’s bothering you. It would be a shame if you were…upset.
Type 4: Lion King, I expect nothing currently on the field to hinder you. Still, don’t get careless.
Type 5: Prince ___, I surmise that your skills will be well used in this fight.
Type 6: Apostle ___, watch your back. Many here would like to capitalize on your death.
Type 7: ___, step lightly. This battle is more dangerous than it seems.
Type 8: General ___, I expect nothing currently on the field to hinder you. Still, don’t get careless.
Type 9: King Tibarn, be wary. The enemy may not have your speed, but they are crafty.
Type 10: King Naesala, take care. Not all threats in battle are apparent, as I am certain you know.
Type 11: King ___, remember to keep your thoughts sharp–your magic will benefit from concentration.
Type 12: Count Fayre, while your spells are undoubtedly powerful, remember that haste is the enemy of success.
Type 13: Princess ___, I am certain that your beauty will not keep the enemy from killing you. Watch yourself.
Type 14: Duke ___, please make sure to keep your guard up.
Type 15: Volke, I expect nothing currently on the field to hinder you. Still, don’t get careless.
Type 16: ___, you of all people should be faring well. I just want to make sure nothing’s hindering you.
C support – addressed
Type 1: Hello. I expect that this battle will be difficult but winnable.
Type 2: Hello. I predict that we should win this battle, but not without approaching it with intelligence and caution.
B support – addressing
Type 1: ___, would you fight with me? It will give us a tactical advantage.
Type 2: Queen ___, would you battle with me? It will give us a tactical advantage.
Type 3: Duke Tanas, would you be willing to work with me? Teaming up would be advantageous for both of us.
Type 4: King Caineghis, would you come with me? We can leverage greater strength by working together.
Type 5: Prince ___, would you fight with me? Working together will yield a tactical advantage.
Type 6: Apostle ___, would you fight with me? Teaming up would yield superior fighting power.
Type 7: ___, would you come with me? Fighting together would compound our strength in battle.
Type 8: General ___, would you come with me? We can intensify our strength working as a team.
Type 9: King Tibarn, won’t you join me? Teaming up will boost our fighting power.
Type 10: King Naesala, would you come with me? Fighting together will give us a tactical advantage.
Type 11: King ___, why not join me? Fighting together will give us a tactical upper hand.
Type 12: Count Fayre, won’t you join me? Working together will give us a
tactical advantage.
Type 13: Princess ___, won’t you join me? We would be more effective on the battlefield together.
Type 14: Duke ___, please join me. Fighting together will give us a tactical advantage.
Type 15: Volke, would you come with me? Working as a team will create a stronger fighting unit.
Type 16: Ike, could you fight with me? If we team up, we’ll be stronger collectively in battle.
B support – addressed
Type 1: I am not inconvenienced by that plan.
Type 2: Yes, Ike.
A support – addressing
Type 1: ___, do not die, please. You will be needed as we try to scale the wall of battle.
Type 2: Queen ___, do not die, please. You are a valued force in battle. We need you.
Type 3: Duke Tanas, please do not die. Without you, we can only limp through this battle.
Type 4: King Caineghis, please do not die. You must hang on and help us scale this impenetrable wall of battle.
Type 5: Prince ___, please don’t die. We need you now more than ever as the fight heats up.
Type 6: Apostle ___, please do not die. We look to you for support in fighting these grueling battles.
Type 7: ___, please do not die. We desperately need you as we scale the walls of battle.
Type 8: General ___, please do not die. Your leadership is invaluable as we scale the walls of battle.
Type 9: King Tibarn, you simply mustn’t die. We need you at every step along this battle-torn way.
Type 10: King Naesala, please don’t die. We need your battle support now more than ever.
Type 11: King ___, please do not die. Without your fighting assistance we would flounder in battle.
Type 12: Count Fayre, do not die, please. You are an integral key to our fighting success.
Type 13: Princess ___, please hang on! We need you at every step along this war-torn path. Don’t die now!
Type 14: Duke ___, please do not die. Your fighting skills are invaluable to us in battle. We need you!
Type 15: Volke, please do not die. We need you now more than ever as we scale the endless walls of battle.
Type 16: Ike, please don’t die. I don’t care what happens to me. But you, you are our guiding light.
A support – addressed
Type 1: I won’t die. I know I must hang in there to keep the fabric of our army as strong as can be.
Type 2: I won’t die, Ike. I vow to remain by your side as long as I draw the breath of life.