Created by: encryption20
- Download version 2.5 (13.3 KB)
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In version 0.2, I will have the following updates:
- “S” weapons more balanced (Vidofnir less ****ed up, etc)
- The Chapter 1 glitches will be fixed.
- Light Magic lighter, Anima magic heavier.
- Flux’s poison will be taken away. Finrir will get poison.
- Mamkute having promoted character stat caps.
- Making Lyon a lot harder.
- Making dark magic so that people will want to use it.
- Making the Demon King much harder!
- The short Bow will have a 1-2 range.
- Dragonstone will be Brave and Infinite use.
- The Super Trainees will have awesome stat caps.
- Magic users will have better Con.
- The phantoms will be a lot better.
- Luna will be un-nerfed.
- 1 Suprise with an “S” rank weapon.
In Version .7 there will be:
- Male Druids w/ Swords
- Male Sages w/ Axes
- Female Sages w/ Bows
- Dancer w/ Staves
- G/Ks and Pallies more balanced.
- Female G/Ks w/ Swords and Bows.
- Male G/Ks w/ Axes and Bows.
- Female Pallies w/ Lances and Bows.
- Male Pallies w/ Axes and Swords.
- Male Wyvern Lords w/ Bows
- FalcoKnights with Anima Magic
- Male Wyvern Knights with Dark Magic
- Female Wyvern Knights with Light Magic
- Mage Knights with Swords
- Ross with Dart’s good growths and his own good Growths.(I.E. He has Dart’s Speed, but hisown strength.)
- Franz was turned into a promotable Soldier. *Broken*
In Version 1.1:
- Assassin Tri-Attack (Josh, Colm, and Marisa)
- Knight/ General Tri-Attack (Franz, Amelia, and Gilliam)
- Great Knight Tri-Attack(Franz, Forde, and Kyle)
- The glitches with Garcia(him having axes), Tana(with her Class), Amelia(her and the Peg-Knight bonuses), and Tethys(her with the no staff weapon levels) are all fixed.
- Seth no longer has control of the weapon triangle.
- Ephraim and Eirika’s class promotions will now be Queen(Eirika) and Pontifix(Ephriam). Just to let you all know, some of their strong points are: Queen has OHKO, King has Crit+15. Move=9 on both of them. Much better caps. Main Disadvantage: Lower Con than the Great Lord.
- Franz was turned into a level 10 unit, stats toned down, and Growth Rates toned down.*Broken Fixed*
- Every class that had no animation when it used a weapon that it didn’t normally have(I.E Sages w/ Swords) have an animation now.
Version 1.6 Updates:
- Demon king even harder. Instead of just altering his weapons, I gave him: 200HP, 55Str, 50 SKL, 52 Speed, 62 Def and Res. + the weapons that have a 1-6 Range.
- Summoner promotable into Necromancer/ Wyvern Knight(so it’s good stat caps Vs. Pierce)with the Guiding Ring)
- Much Harder Dracozombies. Their growths(If not exceeding) Border 200%. Also, they now have a cap of 80 all around.
- Mamkute having normal Stat caps, but promotable by Hero Crest. (Again, promotions are a secret)
- Another Wyvern Rider, Natasha.
- Female Wyvern Knights/Lords with Light and Anima Magic animations, No spears/swords animations
- Male Wyvern Knights/Lords with Dark and Anima Magic animations, No spears/swords animations
- FalcoKnights with Staff animations, No Spears/ swords animations.
- Mage Knights without Sword animation, but with Anima Magic animations.
- General Enemies Much Harder
- The Glitches with the Tri Attacks are fixed.
Version 1.63 Updates:
- Cleft’s Ideas for Assassin/Rogue Balance is taken into effect.
- The Franz/Garcia Glitches fixed.
Version 1.8 Updates:
- Chapters 1-8 bosses will be harder.
- Tana will get Celice’s Growths +~10 on each growth.
- Great Knights and Paladins will have more balanced caps.
- The glitch with Marisa(76 Con) is fixed.
- The Mercenary at the beginninng of the game has MUCH better stats(esque ChinaFE)
- Syrene with the following growths: HP: 255 Str:195 Skl:215 Spd:230 Def: 175 Res: 200 Luck: 175. She starts with the Bases of the Falcoknight.
Version 2.5 Updates:
- The split-path bosses harder.
- My first Facial Sprite Edits!
- Secret Characters made more worth getting.
- Tethys with even more increased magic growth.
- Lyon with all four types of magic(both as a boss and a Playable character).
- Super Journeyman with Silencer.
- CryptGirl’s Glitches Fixed.
- Male Wyvern Knights with Axes and Lances, no magic; Female with Bows and Lances, no magic.
- Demon King made beatable(but still harder)
- Dracozombies Fixed. They had like NO stats, but now they do. Also, they have +15 crit, and Silencer.
- Fado in the prologue is a General. The soldier is an assassin.
- Cormag is now Rath.
- Seth is now Hector, but with Seth’s hair color and other colors.
- Orson is now the correctly colored Hector
- Syrene is Brunya
- Ross is now Dart.