Illusory Revelations #FE 2nd Blog Post

Almost three weeks after its re-reveal, a new blog post has been added to the Illusory Revelations #FE official site. For those who can’t read Japanese, Mystic of TRADUKO Soft has kindly translated the post here.

Tsubasa wearing glasses

Tsubasa wearing glasses

This time, the game’s main character designer, toi8, shares his experience of working on this unique collaboration title. A fair warning: try not to take the last paragraph too seriously; it’s meant to be a lighthearted comment.

If you missed the first blog post, you can find it here (also translated by Mystic of TRADUKO Soft).

About the Author: VincentASM
Fire Emblem fan since 2002 and webmaster of Serenes Forest. Occasionally an online content editor or brand ambassador. Is a sucker for mage girls and has an unhealthy stash of Sylveon plushies.
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