Tag Archive for Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

Genei Ibun Roku #FE: Disappearances and DLC

Next week, Genei Ibun Roku #FE launches in Japan and we’ll finally find out if it was worth the wait and effort. Before that though, Famitsu is here to give us another sneak peak at the game.


Previously, we learned that fan-favourites Abel from Shadow Dragon and Lon’qu from Awakening will appear as Mirages… on the enemy side that is.

This matched with a tease in an earlier Famitsu interview where the developers refused to deny Abel’s absence in the game. Plus we’ve already seen Awakening villains as enemies.

Anyway, this week’s Famitsu begins with an event that started everything: the “Theatre Opening Disappearing Case“, an unresolved tragedy that occurred 5 years ago.

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Genei Ibun Roku #FE Overview Trailer

Following the reveal of Yashiro Tsurugi as the 7th Mirage Master, Nintendo unveiled a lengthy 5 minute overview trailer for Genei Ibun Roku #FE.


As per standard, the trailer briefly covers the main concepts of the game, to give the audience a broad taste of what to expect when the game launches on 26th December 2015 (in Japan).

To start with, the trailer discusses the story, before moving onto the dungeons, battles, character enhancement and sidestories and finishing with the obligatory montage of thrilling scenes.

From that description (and the links provided), you can probably tell that the trailer doesn’t include a lot of new information to digest. That said, there are some notable highlights.

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Genei Ibun Roku #FE: More on Unity and Class-Change

This week’s Famitsu included another feature on Genei Ibun Roku #FE, this time explaining the various methods of enhancing your characters.


If you’ve been following the game recently, you may recall that last week’s Japanese Nintendo Direct briefly touched on these methods; fortunately, Famitsu has a lot more space to go into detail.

To start with, players can visit the “Bloom Palace“, a serene area managed by Tiki, the hugely popular face of the “Singaloid Tiki” software.

Conveniently, the entrance to the Bloom Palace is located past an ordinary-looking door within Fortuna Entertainment, where Itsuki and his friends work.

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Genei Ibun Roku #FE: Mastering Your Mirage

During their version of the November Nintendo Direct, Nintendo of Japan provided another brief look at Genei Ibun Roku #FE.


Perhaps worried that everyone had forgotten about the game, the trailer spent a lot of time introducing the game as a modern day RPG that blends in elements from the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem games.

Towards the latter half, however, there were some new nuggets of information related to the heroes’ otherworldly partners–the Mirages.

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