Heroes: New Power banners have arrived!

After new weapons and refines for any older character within Heroes has been released, it is tradition to have those units show up in a banner together. So here they are: New Power 1, and New Power 2.

New Power 1 banner sees Tharja, Amelia, Oboro, and Seth. Amelia is the only 5-Star exclusive here, so hope for a green stone during your free summon. New Power 2 banner has Fury man Hinata, Eliwood, Nino, and Niles on focus. No 5-Star exclusives here. Pull red if you don’t care for any of the Heroes, since it’s the most likely colour to dish out a 5-Star summon. Or green, because Nino is a fantastic F2P unit to build and use, especially now with her new tome.

That’s it for today, good luck on your summons!

About the Author: Raven
I guess I should put something here.