It’s almost that time! Fire Emblem Fates is about to get released in the United States and Project X Zone 2 is just as close. Unfortunately, pre-ordering has been an almost deadly affair for those seeking the Fire Emblem Fates Collector’s Edition. At least something else is coming as a pre-order bonus.
Aqua, Ryoma and Xander come for free with the pre-order of both Conquest and Birthright.
GameStop has been among the more controversial players in the pre-order game, but after much controversy and struggle to provide fans with what they want, they’re offering a special of three Comiket/25th anniversary celebration’s keychains.
Gamestop is already fighting off the masses after trouble with cancelled pre-orders, but they’re offering something else up which may offset the additional $20.00 investment of purchasing a second cartridge rather than taking advantage of the DLC offer and buying the alternate version at half price.
In other news, those who want to get their feet wet again after a hiatus from the franchise can find solace thanks to BandaiNamco’s Twitter feed. They’ve announced that Project X Zone 2 will see a demo for the US on January 26.
Furthermore, a reminder of their previous announcement last month is due since it shared the game’s demo being up for grabs in Europe as of January 21. Now, if we could just get a Fire Emblem Fates release date for Europe!