In an attempt to make up for my sorely disappointing previous attempt of promoting impressive fan projects in the past, I’m taking this time to reassess my approach, and have decided to kick off a fan work appreciation series, of which I’m coining as Fan Feats. Kicking off this Fan Feats appreciation and awareness series will be the Fire Emblem Planner, also going by FEH Planner.
This planner contains a beautiful assortment of monthly illustrations, and comes with an optional leather cover, depending on your purchased bundle. It’s a 160+ page [A5 size] planner, with weekly and monthly features (as well as others, such as notes pages, fun themed pages and artist credit pages).
I’ve had a chance to sneak-peek at some of the artwork, and every page is downright gorgeous, themed appropriately for the month and compliments with the alternate merchandise perfectly.
Hello Summoners!! We are happy to announce that the FEH Planner is open for preorders from now until the 6th of October! Follow the link to the storefront and get your copy today! Keep your eyes open, because we have plenty of previews and contests coming!
— feh planner preorders open! (@fehplanner) September 15, 2019