If you’ve paid any attention at all to Fire Emblem Three Houses, you’ll likely be aware of the eponymous girl on the throne that appeared in many trailers, as well as in the game itself. Forgive the spoilers, but that girl just so happens to be Sothis: Girl on the Throne, aka the next Mythic Hero joining the fray.
For the Japanese trailer, click here.
Sothis comes in as a red Resistance-blessed Dark Mythic Hero, and with her, an interesting batch of new skills. Given how [F]Byleth’s Ruptured Sky special was inheritable, it’s entirely possible that her new special, Sirius, is inheritable as well. This pairs nicely with what appears to be a very speedy build, as it scales damage off of speed, and has a lightning fast cooldown of 2.
Sothis of course brings friends with her, as this is a Mythic Hero Banner, and includes its standard 8% limited summoning condition on all included. The batch this time features:
- Blue
- Azura (Legendary)
- Fjorm
- Ryoma (Hot Springs)
- Colorless
- Alm (Legendary)
- Caineghis
- Eir
- Green
- Lyn (Legendary)
- Greil
- Hector (Legendary)
- Red
- Marth (Legendary)
- [Male] Byleth
Finally, Sothis drops on July 31 (the day after tomorrow) and runs for one week, until August 6. Good luck, Summoners!
For more details on Sothis’ skills, click Read More.
Edit – Listed Sothis as a Defense-boosting Anima hero. She is a Resistance-boosting Dark bless hero.
Sothis: Girl on the Throne, a Red Dragon Infantry
Voice: Cassandra Lee Morris | Art: Maiponpon
- Sublime Surge
- 16 Mt | 1 Rng
- Neutralizes “effective against dragons” bonuses. Unit can counterattack regardless of foe’s range. If foe’s Range = 2, calculates damage using the lower of foe’s Def or Res.
- Sirius [2] (Special)
- Boosts damage by 30% of unit’s Spd. Restores HP = 30% of damage dealt.
- Atk/Spd Solo 3 (A)
- Wrath 3 (B)
- Time’s Pulse 3 (C)
- At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count -1.