With Book III of FE Heroes‘ Main Story coming to a close, a new cinematic has been released to seal the deal.
The video is also available in Japanese.
Just like in the Book III opening cinematic, we see Sharena about to be killed by Hel, with Alfonse helplessly looking on. Only this time, Eir saves Sharena’s life by throwing her dagger and deflecting Hel’s blow, giving Alfonse time to jump in and challenge Hel.
He gets a blow in, but of course, Hel can’t be killed by conventional means. This does, however, buy time for Veronica to summon the second Breidablik they managed to obtain from Líf. The Summoner then takes the weapon and unloads it directly towards Hel. Hel seemingly disintegrates into nothing, not unlike a Thanos snap victim. The final scene is part of the dialogue shared between Hel and Eir at the end of the final Chapter of Book III, with Eir accepting her mother’s fate.
With the closing of Book III, we can expect a new cinematic to go with the beginning of Book IV within the next month!
Also today: A new Lost Lore event has begun!
The theme of this Lost Lore is based on events from the world of Awakening. The event begins today and is available until the 4th of December 6:59am UTC. Play to earn Orbs, Dragonflowers, amongst other materials.