Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore: One Last Surprise

We’ve an impromptu follow-up to our earlier update about Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, and one we think merits your attention!

After reviewing the game’s store page on Amazon JP to confirm about the exclusive postcards, we noticed they very recently added an image of the back of the game’s box. It looks nice, but otherwise not particularly interesting. That is, unless you look closer…

Upon closer inspection, it includes a new (and very blurry!) screenshot of Itsuki’s transformation sequence, wearing a never-before-seen costume. We’ve asked around, and we have reason to believe it’s of the ever-popular Joker from Persona 5, and recently of Super Smash Bros. fame.

While Nintendo has yet to officially comment on this, we’re electing to share this under the belief it’s concrete enough to be worth sharing. Keep in mind that this is only one costume, and we can anticipate to see even more new additions for the other cast members as they get revealed.

Whether you’re slaying Mirages as a Phantom Thief, an Officers Academy student, or in any other surreal and silly getup, the colorful wardrobe this game has to offer is just one of the many reasons players can look forward to when the game finally launches next week.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore will be out in stores and on the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch across the globe on January 17th!

About the Author: Prince of Iris
A longtime Fire Emblem fan with a passion to make things better for everyone. Enjoys playing the FE Cipher TCG and having his favorite units in FE Heroes inherit every skill he can get his hands on. You can find him on Twitter.