Archive for Trivia

Trivia: Old Hubba’s Profile Unearthed

It’s been almost three years since Fire Emblem Awakening arrived in the West and a whole year since fans first poked through the game’s files in hopes of finding hidden treasure.


However just yesterday, robotortoise over on the Fire Emblem subreddit stumbled upon an undiscovered nugget: Old Hubba, the comedic fortune-teller from the DLC episodes has his own profile in the Roster, albeit unused.

An old man who just sort of showed up. Mostly useless, though he can assess relationships. Oh, and he’s a few millennia old or something. The one with the wildest love life. Born on February 29th.

Having checked the files myself (from my own legitimate copy of Awakening), I can assure you that his whimsical profile is genuine.

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