Tag Archive for Special Quests

Heroes: Hero Spotlight Quests now available

Today in Heroes, a bunch of quests have been released based around Corrin: Fateful Prince.

You must use Corrin to complete certain tasks to earn rewards, such as an Orb, some Feathers, some Stamina Potions, a copy of a 3-Star Corrin: Fateful prince and a bunch of red and universal Shards and Crystals.

The quests are available from today until the 17th of July, 6:59am UTC.

Heroes: Sword Arts Special Quests now available!

A small update for Heroes today: Special Quests: Sword Arts are now available.

Complete the quests to earn rewards, including Orbs, Arena Medals and Universal Crystals.

The quests begin today, and will come to an end on the 28th of June, 6:59am UTC.

Heroes: Cavalry Mastery Quests now available!

Today sees new quests hitting the fountain – open the stable doors and give the horses a spin to pick up some rewards with Cavalry Mastery Quests!

Until the 20th of May, 6:59am UTC, you can collect a total of 4 Orbs and 3,000 of both Universal Shards and Crystals by completing various challenges using cavalry movement-type allies.

Hopefully you don’t keep your Selkie in the stable alongside the horses.

Heroes: “Heroes with Blazing Light” banner active, and more!

As per the calendar given earlier this month, many have been waiting for this. The “Heroes with Blazing Light” banner is now active.

Using Ophelia’s damaged artwork. Now that’s strategy!

Within this banner: Celica: Caring Princess, Leif: Prince of Leonstar, and Ophelia: Dramatic Heroine. This is quite obviously the “Ophelia and Friends” bait banner, but if you’re looking for copies of any of these units, I don’t think there will be a better opportunity again for quite some time.

The banner begins today and lasts until the 4th of March, 6:59am UTC. If you do want any of these guys, just be aware that the 2nd Anniversary banner is coming soon (featuring Legendary Azura, Halloween Myrrh, Legendary Lyn, and Duma) on the 25th of February, and a new Legendary arriving on the 27th of February with the Legendary banner. Hold on to your Orbs, this banner is not going anywhere fast!

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