Yesterday, Nintendo of Japan released a dedicated trailer for the “My Castle” feature introduced in the Nintendo Direct broadcast earlier on the same day.
Because I was away at the time (and thoroughly exhausted), I was unable to cover the finer details of the trailer, but today’s a new day and there are sure to be many fans still confused by the Japan-only trailer.
So without further ado, here’s my analysis of the My Castle trailer.
Because the trailer is literally jam-packed with information, I’ve had to spread the analysis over two pages, so be sure to click the link at the bottom to move onto the next page (or click here)!
Just before I completed my analysis, our resident Japanese expert shadowofchaos uploaded an English-subtitled version of the trailer here.
Be sure to give it a good look, as the English commentary reveals a lot more than what the footage shows, and don’t forget to share it if you like it (with credit of course)!
Next, I’ll be analysing the game’s updated official site for details, as well as other things I may have missed. Until next time!