You can never have enough Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes and Nintendo knows this as they’re adding even more ways for players to earn free Orbs!
Whether you’re a new player or one who’s been playing for ages, you’re sure to benefit from the new Starter Support campaign, which lasts from now until 3rd April 2017 (at 7:59 AM UTC).
Firstly, replacing the previous App-release Log-in Bonus is a Special Log-in Bonus, which grants 2 Orbs per day like previously. By our calculations, you can pick up this Log-in Bonus up to 17 times for 34 Orbs!
Secondly, there will be two Starter Support bonus maps added to the Special Maps section–one today and another from the 20th (in three days time). These maps award 3 Orbs each and have two difficulties, so you can get 12 Orbs at most.
Thirdly, there will be a 1.5 times Experience bonus applied to Story, Special, Arena and Training Tower maps. This should be fantastic for training up your lower level Heroes or getting your high-end Heroes up to Level 40.
That’s not all! Thanks to a promotion with the Google Play store, all Android players can receive a 4-star Corrin (F) – Fateful Princess. If you don’t have her already, she can be a valuable party member–or you can use her as inheritance/merging fodder!
Lastly, the Japanese Twitter account has revealed the Bonus Heroes for the coming Arena season, which starts 21st March 2017. They are of course the current Focus Heroes plus the most recent Grand Hero Battle reward and some extras:
Lucius, Priscilla, Karel, Ninian, Rebecca, Jaffar, Ursula, Azama, Fir and Anna