Tag Archive for Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends Round 9 Now Open!

The annual Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends voting event is now open.

Like previous years, the two top-scoring male and two top-scoring female characters will receive special “Choose Your Legends” oufits. These should be ready around August time.

You can vote once per day between 20th to 27th February (UTC), for a total of 7 days.

Newly votable characters include:

  • Heroes Book IX: Rune, Baldr, Höðr
  • Heroes Book VIII: Heiðrún, Eikþyrnir, Læraðr
  • Heroes Book V Tempest Trial: Niðavellir, Þjazi
  • Mythic: Ullr, Elimine, Fomortiis

Heroes: Feh Channel, Choose Your Legends 8 Edition

A new Feh Channel is now available, sharing the results of the recent Choose Your Legends Round 8, anniversary events and more.

First, the news you’ve probably been waiting for… Here are the winners of Choose Your Legends 8.

Alfonse (Heroes) wins 1st place in the mens’ division, while Bernadetta (Three Houses) scoops 1st place in the womens’ division. The second place winners are Felix (Three Houses) and female Robin (Awakening).

Nevermind an Engage sweep, nobody from Engage entered the top 4. However, it was very close with Diamant and Yunaka in 3rd place for the mens’ and womens’ respectively, plus several characters in the top 20. Maybe next year, Engage fans, unless they suddenly release a new game before then.

The full results will be shared via the Choose Your Legends 8 website around 31st January. In the meantime, the official Twitter account lists the top 20 winners and the winners by game title.

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Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends Round 8 is Open!

The annual Choose Your Legends voting contest for Fire Emblem Heroes has started.

For 7 days, you can vote for one Hero among the thousand or so available, with the top 2 male and top 2 female characters receiving special costumed versions later on (usually on August).

> Link to Choose Your Legends 8 website. <

This year, there are 59 new eligible heroes from Heroes itself and last year’s Fire Emblem Engage. In the case of Engage, you can vote for the rulers like Ève and Morion, but alas Sommie is not a possible choice.

Also, you can claim 100 Platinum Points for voting once (available after the event ends), plus unique phone wallpapers for voting 2, 4 and 6 times.

Happy voting, Summoners!

Fire Emblem Heroes Celebrates its 1000th Hero!

With the addition of the latest summoning event, New Heroes, Ascended Ced & Rearmed Plumeria, Fire Emblem Heroes now has 1000 Heroes in the game.

The honour of being the 1000th Hero goes to Patty, Brigid’s daughter from Genealogy of the Holy War.

Players can obtain free copies of Patty by completing special celebratory quests. Afterwards, she’ll start appearing in new summoning events.

Other quest rewards include 10 Arena Reward 3 summon tickets, plus a snazzy accessory. On top of that, there’s a log-in bonus where you can pick up 100 of each Dragonflower, 100 Trait Fruit and more.

Nintendo also shared a cute YouTube video to mark the occasion.

Besides that, they’ve opened a celebration site where you can watch this video and play around with an icon maker. There’s a “Coming Soon” section too, which will open on 21st September.

Finally, if you’re a North American or Canadian resident, you can try your luck at the 1000 Heroes celebration sweepstakes. Up for grabs are 20 acrylic stands featuring some of the Heroes, such as Legendary Marth, Valentine’s Chrom & Robin, Legendary Veronica and Halloween Sothis.