The latest Legendary Hero Summoning Event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes! Do your best to summon the new Gunnthrá: Queen of Dreams as well as an assortment of additional 5★ heroes, and for an 8% chance at a 5★ too! Check out our earlier article for an intro trailer and full breakdown of Gunnthrá’s skills and the heroes available.
This special summoning event will only be around for a short time, ending on 2 January. However, another Legendary Hero summoning event will likely be arriving late January.
If none of the heroes in this banner interest you much, you may wish to hold onto your Orbs. A New Years Special Hero banner will be arriving shortly! @FE_Heroes_JP shared the following silhouette image to tease the new banner. I wonder who that spiky, pineapple-haired guy could be?
This new banner is arriving just in time for New Years on 31 December along with a new log-in bonus. We should hopefully be getting a trailer in the next day or two to fully introduce the new heroes.
Finally, have fun training up all the new heroes you summon in these banners with a Double EXP & SP event! You’ll earn twice as much EXP and SP in all battles you face. The event starts today and runs through 4 January.