Another Sunday brings up 2 More Summoning Banners in Fire Emblem Heroes! First up, our latest weekly banner contains Lute, Dorcas, and Mia. We also get a Voting Gauntlet banner containing Flying Hinoka, Hector, and Fallen Berkut.
All three of those latest heroes will be available heroes to support in the upcoming Voting Gauntlet: Brave Rivalries. Our four newest Brave Heroes will be going head-to-head against their in-universe rivals. Check out the first round bracket below:
Seven of these eight heroes are currently available, either in this new banner or the existing Brave Echoes banner. The odd man out is Legendary Ike, but he’ll be showing up soon in the next Legendary Hero Banner.
Voting Gauntlet: Brave Rivalries begins on Thursday, 29 August, so you’ve got plenty of time to train up your chosen hero.