After two back-to-back Legendary Heroes, Summoners are probably ready for a new Mythic Hero. Behold Arval, from FE Warriors Three Hopes!
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
Following the arrival of Heroes from Three Hopes back in September, Arval’s inclusion was practically a given, considering they’re positioned as Sothis’s counterpart.
Arval’s Mythic Hero banner will be live from 31st October 2022, until the daily rollover on 14th November 2022 (UTC).
Also appearing are the following:
- Red: Líf, Mirabilis and Plumeria
- Blue: Legendary Chrom, Sain and Valentian Est
- Green: Ótr, Eitri and Letizia
- Colorless: Elimine and Askr
Please continue for a breakdown of Arval’s abilities!
Arval: Cycle Keeper
Type: Colorless Tome Infantry
Voice: Melissa Hutchison
Artist: nijimaarc
Bonus: Anima (Res; adds extra deployment slot for Aether Raids and Mjölnir’s Strike)
Weapon: Rite of Souls – Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, inflicts [Guard] on foes within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on unit with Res < unit’s Res. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 to unit during combat, deals damage = 20% of unit’s Res (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and foe cannot make a follow-up attack.
Special: Glacies
A: Duality – Grants Atk/Res+9. Grants weapon-triangle advantage against and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on red, blue and green foes during combat. Neutralizes effects that boost values along with weapon-triangle advantage or reduce values along with weapon-triangle disadvantage (Triangle Adept) on unit and foe. At start of combat, if unit’s HP >= 25%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack during combat.
B: Atk/Res Tempo 3
C: Atk/Res Oath 4 – At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 and the following status to unit for 1 turn: “Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces.” If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+3 to unit during combat.