Archive for Jyosua

About the Author: Jyosua

New Site Transition Finally Complete

Well, after days of fighting with the server, the transition is finally complete. We’re back to running at full speed!

I know a lot of you guys are worried about dead links, redirects, and whatnot, but we’ll work on those in the coming weeks. This is our first major main site upgrade in years, so please bear with us. It’ll take some time to get everything completely settled. The old site is also available here, but there’s a few broken image links.

Overall, thanks for putting up with our rocky transition and server upgrade. Thank you, guys, for your support!

Forums Online Again!?

The forums are back up… for now. I’m testing the new server hardware. Hopefully the site won’t buckle under the load again.

Server Upgrade Tonight at 7PM (GMT -5) (COMPLETED)

Hey guys, we’re upgrading the server shortly. We are more than doubling our server resources, so I’m hoping this will fix the issues we’ve been having. If not, we may actually have to get a second server. If that’s the case, things may get very pricey indeed, but that’s a testament to how much traffic we get every day.

As far as the donations, we’ve met my original goal! Thank you so much! If you still feel like chipping in, I’ll leave the donation button in the other post and the funds will be used for future server costs. It’s still unsure at this point whether the hardware upgrade will fix all the issues, but I hope it will.

Update: The upgrade has been completed. I’m going to see if I can tweak the settings and bring the forums back online.

Forums Back Online — Or Not.

Hey guys, I’ve brought the forums back online. I may or may not need to bring them back down later, if the server load gets too high again. I’m still troubleshooting a lot of bugs with the current server setup. Sorry for the issues!

Update at 5:31PM PT: Unfortunately, the server was being overloaded by the forums, so I had to turn them off again. I’m looking into upgrading our server hardware again… it’s been about 1.5 years since our last one and we keep growing, so it probably won’t be our last. Unfortunately, these are always expensive. If you’d like to help out, even just a little, please donate:

Update on 8/21/14 at 10:19AM: Holy crap, we’re over halfway to my donation goal for the server upgrade. Thank you guys so much! I’m currently already talking to the hosting company we use about upgrading our hardware. I’m hoping to get it done today or tomorrow, preferably today.