Tag Archive for Charity

Community Spotlight: Fire Emblem Writer’s Zine

It’s time to share another pretty radical fan group’s project, and this time, it’s the Fire Emblem Writer’s Zine, a community’s collective publication celebrating the creative talent of writers within the Fire Emblem fandom.

If you’re familiar with the Together We Ride fan zine that we’ve promoted in the past, you may recognize the group involved, as one of its members, Damosel, is part of both the teams of this Writer’s Zine and the TWR zine. Now, there are a couple of differences with the Writer’s Zine, notably how you can enjoy it, and who they support.

For starters, they’re making their zine available as a PDF, meaning that there is no concern for shipping and receiving (a great relief in these trying times). The zine itself features stories and art from each of the mainline games, as well as Heroes and Warriors, coming to over 300 pages of content! Preorders are running until November 1st, and can be placed here. As it’s a PDF, delivery will not be an issue, and the huge amount of stories included can be enjoyed on the go.

The Writer’s Zine is doing this for charity, and the organization that proceeds will go towards is We Need Diverse Books, an organization dedicated to helping provide books to the hands of those in need. WNDB helps by finding and promoting books that connect with those readers, helping them grow as individuals as well as people, and above all, promoting and celebrating diversity (racial, disability, cultural, etc) with the creation and exposure of books that highlight diverse stories and their characters.

If you’d like to follow the efforts of the FEWZ team, follow their Twitter, and you can keep up with their future projects, as well as partnered and endorsed projects. You may even be able to participate in a future edition yourself, or share this with a friend that you think may be interested in the opportunity and they could find some solace with this team or their projects.

If you’d like to support We Need Diverse Books, but either find yourself light on spare money or time right now, you can spread the word of their organization by clicking here for their Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or YouTube, and share those links with your friends. Every little bit helps with bringing light to a charitable organization, and even something as following or sharing a group can help bring the attention that they need, to get the results that their beneficiaries deserve.

Collab for Extra Life Charity Event (Team FE) Closes Out With a Huge Success

Assuming you’ve been keeping up with our front page posts this month, our friends at Reddit subs r/FireEmblem and r/FireEmblemHeroes, or perhaps just my personal Twitter, you know that I partnered up with r/FEH mod /u/DarkDogDemon for the second year in a row, to put what was our second collaborative charity benefit, Team FE’s ThanksFEving. We hosted the event to benefit Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through the Extra Life campaign, and while we were anticipating success, we were floored at just how well things went.

Twitch and YouTube (for VoDs/Rewatches), in case you missed anything.

We opted to change things up for viewer convenience (and a little bit of a technical breather) from a single 24-hour streaming session, to four 12-hour sessions, spread across each Saturday in November. This effectively doubled our event time, and also made us easier to watch by our largely North American audience. What it also did was make things much easier for both player and guest appearance scheduling, as this year, showcasing the players was not the only side-objective of our event…

Not counting the several voice actors that offered up their hand in signing some goodies for giveaways/raffles/incentives (yes that pun was intended), we had more than fifteen voice actors and actresses join us live, on stream, to support the cause. Returning names include Greg Chun, our huge hit from 2017’s single VO appearance, as well as friend of Serenes Forest Rena Strober, both of whom shattered expectations and really made the event a memorable one with their contributions on top of their appearances. Not to sell the others short, we also had appearances from Brianna Knickerbocker, Rob Clotworthy, Kyle Hebert, Kaiji Tang, Kyle McCarley, Chris Hackney, Misty Lee, David Vincent, Yuri Lowenthal, Allegra Clark (twice), Christian La Monte, Carrie Keranen, Angela Marie Volpe, and to top it off with the VO that was on with us live as we beat our $10k goal, Lauren Landa (Several of which, also offered up their pen in support). It was a massive turnout, and I don’t know quite know how we’re going to top this next year.

Reddit’s r/FEH official Thank You post

To summarize our success, where we managed to raise $3,540 last year, this year we managed to raise $13,000 of our $10,000 goal, which was nothing short of monumental. It’s impossible for me to express my gratitude to the community, but with support from our players/commentary team (NairoGwimpageKirbymastahMekkahAbdallahSmash026Lord RavenGeneral Horace, Aethin, Aggro, Shephen, Funny Valentine, Gradivus, GreyWulfos, and Nimious) our artists (Soeda IppeiciarretecchenRavenide, and 24914), our technical streamer (N7_Commander_John), the support team featuring designers, advertising blasters and chat mods from all of our supporting communities (Artists of Askr, FE Compendium and the two FE subreddits), our sponsors at  Unlocked, and anyone else who just helped our event either through contribution or simply word of mouth, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

If you’d like to support us in the future for our 2019 event, and don’t quite know how, please contact myself by way of:

Join Team Fire Emblem for Extra Life this November!

Rallying all Fire Emblem fans! This November, Team Fire Emblem–made up of contributors from r/fireemblem, r/FireEmblemHeroes and Serenes Forest–will be coming together to raise money for Extra Life, which helps support Children Miracle Network Hospitals across the U.S..

Artwork by Tecchen and Yumekaze.

Last year, Team Fire Emblem got together for the first time to organise a 28 hour livestream for Extra Life. There were speedruns of a dozen Fire Emblem games by many notable community members, an interview with Greg Chun (the voice of Ike and Ephraim etc.) and loads of cool prizes. In the end, we raised a total of $3,540!

This year, we’re hoping to massively top that. For starters, we’ll be holding four 12-hour livestreams–one during each Saturday of November. So on the 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th. That equates to a whopping 48 hours of content throughout the month!

During that time, there will be speedruns as before, but also Fire Emblem game showcases, a Heroes tourney featuring some of your favourite personalities, at least 5 times as many voice actor interviews and a bucket-load of prizes–including an unmissable grand prize!

If you’re unsure what Extra Life is, you can visit the official website for all the important details. Reddit itself has a blog post with additional information. For specific information about what Team Fire Emblem is planning, you can check out our announcement post and follow up post on Reddit.

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Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Speedrun @ AGDQ 2018 in 12 Hours

That’s right folks! If you have kept up with our very own Kirbymastah over the years, or even over the past few months, you’d know that he’s been part of many Fire Emblem speedruns, providing us with great commentary and impressive speed.

This year is no different; at Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, (benefiting the Prevent Cancer Foundation), Kirbymastah finds himself on deck once again to represent Fire Emblem, with a speedrun of Fire Emblem Sacred Stones. In an estimated 85 minute blitz to the end, with a bid-war for whether or not he should take Eirika’s route or Ephraim’s route at the early game campaign split, you can bet you’ll be in for a good show! Click here to give it a watch.

If you’re not familiar with the Games Done Quick series and its charity efforts; Games Done Quick is a bi-annual charity gaming marathon. Volunteers play games at incredible speed (“Speedrunning”) for entertainment. The event is streamed live online, non-stop, and all donations go directly to the charity. This is the winter event, and there will be a summer event later this year, as there has been for a handful of years. The Prevent Cancer Foundation® is one of the nation’s leading voluntary health organizations and the only U.S. nonprofit focused solely on cancer prevention and early detection. Founded in 1985, it has catapulted cancer prevention to prominence and fulfills its mission through research, education, outreach and advocacy across the country.

If you’d like to watch this at 12:14 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9, visit https://gamesdonequick.com/ or https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick. If you’d like to check out other games in the week-long Awesome Games Done Quick schedule, pay it a visit and see what interests you. There are dozens of games