Tag Archive for Fun and Games

Trivia: Actual Whale Found in Fire Emblem Fates

Those who have played Fire Emblem Heroes or have some familiarity with it (or similar mobile titles) should know what a “whale” is. Basically a big, big spender.

Amusingly, an actual whale–as in the sea mammal–can be spotted in one of the Fire Emblem games… Specifically Fire Emblem Fates.

I was tipped off by @anasofiadeandat, who commented about seeing an unidentified sea creature in their My Castle. Being the curious sort, I immediately set off to investigate. Apparently, they saw it in the Nestrian-style castle, which makes sense as it’s surrounded by water.

However this wasn’t the only sighting. Around 2 years ago, a video of this creature was posted by succboi43 on YouTube. The video is a bit blurry and shaky, but you can clearly see something big, moving purposefully, in the water.

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Feature: The History of Official Fire Emblem Websites

Today, 20th April, is the anniversary of the Fire Emblem series–its 29th one to be exact. To celebrate the occasion, I thought I’d dig up a slice of Fire Emblem history that’s been partially lost to the sands of times: the various official Fire Emblem websites.

Now, as you’re probably aware, the Internet is an incredibly fast-moving landscape. One year of the Internet can feel like a decade–and decades, centuries. So when you try to look back at websites from long ago, it can be extremely hard to find them again.

Thankfully, there are “time machines (or capsules)” such as the Wayback Machine, which hold archives of many old websites. For this article, I’ll be relying a lot on those archives. But even archives can be incomplete, especially for more complicated media like videos and flash files.

Our first destination on this historical tour is the website of Intelligent Systems, the developers of Fire Emblem. Presently, their website mainly links to the Fire Emblem websites hosted by Nintendo. Although they do have pages for recent merchandise, soundtracks and events.

However, long ago, between late 1996 and early 2002, Intelligent Systems hosted their own Fire Emblem hub page. The design was fairly amateur and perhaps quintessential of the time period. There was a plain repeating background, chunky navigation buttons and a nostalgic visitor counter.

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Join Team Fire Emblem for Extra Life this November!

Rallying all Fire Emblem fans! This November, Team Fire Emblem–made up of contributors from r/fireemblem, r/FireEmblemHeroes and Serenes Forest–will be coming together to raise money for Extra Life, which helps support Children Miracle Network Hospitals across the U.S..

Artwork by Tecchen and Yumekaze.

Last year, Team Fire Emblem got together for the first time to organise a 28 hour livestream for Extra Life. There were speedruns of a dozen Fire Emblem games by many notable community members, an interview with Greg Chun (the voice of Ike and Ephraim etc.) and loads of cool prizes. In the end, we raised a total of $3,540!

This year, we’re hoping to massively top that. For starters, we’ll be holding four 12-hour livestreams–one during each Saturday of November. So on the 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th. That equates to a whopping 48 hours of content throughout the month!

During that time, there will be speedruns as before, but also Fire Emblem game showcases, a Heroes tourney featuring some of your favourite personalities, at least 5 times as many voice actor interviews and a bucket-load of prizes–including an unmissable grand prize!

If you’re unsure what Extra Life is, you can visit the official website for all the important details. Reddit itself has a blog post with additional information. For specific information about what Team Fire Emblem is planning, you can check out our announcement post and follow up post on Reddit.

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Feature: Analysing Fire Emblem’s Numbering System

Today marks the 28th anniversary of the Fire Emblem series!

For this occasion, I’d like to discuss something that many Fire Emblem fans know and take for granted: the Fire Emblem games’ numbering system.

I imagine most of you reading this probably know the numbers like the back of your hand. But just for reference, this is how we usually number the Fire Emblem games:

Number English Title
1 Shadow Dragon and Blade of Light
2 Gaiden
3 Mystery of the Emblem
4 Genealogy of the Holy War
5 Thracia 776
6 Binding Blade
7 Blazing Blade
8 The Sacred Stones
9 Path of Radiance
10 Radiant Dawn
11 Shadow Dragon
12 New Mystery of the Emblem
13 Awakening
14 Fates
15 Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Note: Only the mainline Fire Emblem games are numbered. Spin-offs like Heroes and Warriors are not given numbers.

For us fans, referring to each game using numbers is very natural. Eg. if I said “FE6”, you probably know that I’m talking about Binding Blade. Yet for those observing from afar, or those new to the series, this system can seem a bit strange.

The main reason for this is of course because, officially, none of the Fire Emblem games are numbered. Unlike, say, Final Fantasy, where the latest Final Fantasy is explicitly titled “Final Fantasy XV [15]”. The numbering system is purely something we fans created.

Birth of the Numbering System

Some may ask: why exactly do Fire Emblem fans refer to the games by number?

The short answer, it seems, is because of a combination of tradition and convenience.

As for the long answer, we’ll need to travel back in time towards the early days of the Fire Emblem series and its then-developing fan community.

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