It’s been a long journey, but the official English translation of Vestaria Saga I will be coming out on 27th December 2019, under a new subtitle “War of the Scions”.
The game will be available to purchase on Steam for 19.99 USD. For the record, the original game was distributed for free, but you’re paying for the time and effort that went into the translation (plus potential licensing fees etc.).
For those who are new and perhaps completely confused, Vestaria Saga is a new series of strategy RPGs created by Shozou Kaga, one of the creators of the Fire Emblem series. Although we’re mainly a Fire Emblem website, we do like to dabble with Kaga’s games because they’ve got the same “DNA”.
However, we must stress that Vestaria Saga is extremely low budget; it was created by Kaga and a small group of like-minded volunteers in their spare time using what is basically the Fire Emblem version of RPG Maker. So don’t expect amazing graphics or the polish of a professionally designed game.
What makes Vestaria special is the sheer passion that’s gone into it. A lot of thought has gone into the map design, characters and world-building. Also, each battle map is chock-full of events–and victory often requires cleverly puzzling out the maps, in addition to how you use your units.
Anyway, please continue for the launch trailer and press release!