Back in May, Nintendo Dream conducted a post-launch interview with the developers of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Thanks to Kirokan, this interview has now been translated into English.
In the interview, the developers reflect on the player feedback received after launch and discuss how certain design choices were made, such as the inclusion of new characters and Alm becoming left-handed.
We were incredibly anxious due to development limitations, as well as wondering whether the newer fans of the series would be accepting of this game. So after seeing the great response the game got, well, it was a relief!
–Toshiyuki Kusakihara
They even briefly mention Fire Emblem Switch and touch on some Fire Emblem Heroes-related trivia.
With the experience and “know-how” gained from Awakening and Fates, we attempted to make [the people] in both this game and the next one on Switch closer to realistic proportions and movements.
–Toshiyuki Kusakihara
Whereas really, the FEH side just wanted another archer unit [with Faye].
–Toshiyuki Kusakihara
You can read the full interview over on Kantopia or our forums.