Heroes: Choose Your Legends Announcement

The Choose Your Legends voting event from way back during the early days of Fire Emblem Heroes promised us variants of the top two male and female units, and Heroes finally delivered.

On August 31, the Choose Your Legends Banner will be released, featuring:

  • Lucina (Lance, infantry)
  • Ike (Axe, infantry)
  • Roy (Sword, mounted)
  • Lyn (Bow, mounted)

What’s the best part about this banner? You get to pick one of these units, for free, to get with 100% certainty.

This is pretty exciting! Their stats and skills are ridiculous, but with all the hype behind these units, they’d better be! If you want to see their gear, and the rest of the news, click Read More…

Great Knight Lucina (Brave Princess) Infantry Lancer

  • Geirskogul (16 Mt, 1 Rng, Lance)
    • Grants Def +3. Also grants allies within 2 spaces that use Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow/Dagger Atk & Spd +3
  • Drive Spd 2 (C)
    • Grants allies within 2 spaces Spd +3.

Roy (Brave Lion) Mounted Swordsman

  • Blazing Durandal (16 Mt, 1 Rng, Sword)
    • Grants Atk +3. If unit’s Atk > foe’s, unit gains Special cooldown charge +1.
  • Galeforce [5 CD]
    • If this unit initiates an attack, it can take another action after combat.

Lyn (Brave Lady) Mounted Archer

  • Mulagir (14 Mt, 2 Rng, Bow)
    • Effective against fliers. Grants Spd +3. If foe is magic user, foe’s bonuses (from Fortify, Rally, etc) are nullified during combat.
  • Sacae’s Blessing (B)
    • If for has sword/lance/axe, foe cannot counterattack. -Cannot be inherited-

Ike (Brave Mercenary) Axe Mercenary

  • Urvan (16 Mt, 1 Rng, Axe)
    • Accelerates Special Trigger (cooldown count -1). If unit receives consecutive attacks, damage from second attack onward reduced by 80%.
  • Beorc’s Blessing (B)
    • Effective against flying and cavalry units. Foe’s bonuses (from Fortify, Rally, etc) are nullified during combat. -Cannot be inherited-

There will also be a Choose Your Legends Voting Gauntlet, pitting the top four girls against the top four guys, starting on August 31.

No word on the battle order has yet been released. Lyn, Lucina, Camilla, Tharja, Ike, Hector, Roy and Chrom will be featured in the Voting Gauntlet (all of their standard versions). If you intend to join, remember that the alternate versions (Bridal Blessings Lyn, for instance) will not count as bonus units.

Lastly, to celebrate the Choose Your Legends Heroes event, the Fire Emblem Heroes official website is getting a new mini-game added. On your browser, you can play a game which appears to be a very simple Weapon Triangle Picker game, kind of like Rock/Paper/Scissors.

It seems simple, but with the promise of rewards including special wallpapers, Orbs and more, how can you resist?



Before I call this closed, check out the official artwork for our Choose Your Legends heroes.


About the Author: Elieson
Single father of 2 in Texas. Avid enthusiast of tile-based games and overall upstanding fellow.
Author Website: https://serenesforest.net/