Three Houses: Famitsu 4th Preview (Timeskip, Combat Arts and Advanced Classes)

It’s been 3 weeks since the last Famitsu article for Three Houses and, with E3 past us, we were overdue for our next one. Fortunately, we’ll be getting our next article this week, around 20th June 2019.

As is the norm, Famitsu provided a very low resolution image of one of the double-page spreads. This one showcases a few of the Combat Arts and Advanced Classes. In addition, the article will discuss the time skip (might just be the same info from E3) and some new characters.

Looking at the preview, I believe the featured Combat Arts are Wrath Strike (Sword), Back Blow (Gauntlet; seems to work like Hit and Run in Heroes), one I can’t see (used by Dedue and does 34 damage) and Curved Shot (Bow).

Meanwhile the featured Advanced Classes appear to be Hero (sported by male Byleth), Fortress (the armoured one), Paladin (on horseback), Grappler (holding the claw-shaped Gauntlet), Warlock (with black robes) and what looks like Bishop (with white robes).

Update: After staring at the class names a bit more, I’ve changed the armoured and Gauntlet ones. They could all still be different though.

These classes all have 2 Class Abilities, with the exception of Paladin and Bishop, which have 3. The text is too small for me to make out, but I’m guessing Hero has Swordfaire, Paladin has Lancefaire (and Move Again), Grappler has Gauntletfaire and Warlock has Blackmagicfaire or whatever it’ll be localised into.

In the bottom-left corner, there’s an introduction to Hero Relics, which is probably the same one from the official Twitter account. Meanwhile, in the bottom-right corner, there’s a blurb about Byleth’s Sword of the Creator. In particular, it’s talking about its number of uses and I think a possible way to repair or even auto-repair it. It’s really hard to see.

About the Author: VincentASM
Fire Emblem fan since 2002 and webmaster of Serenes Forest. Occasionally an online content editor or brand ambassador. Is a sucker for mage girls and has an unhealthy stash of Sylveon plushies.
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