FE Heroes Ver.3.8.0 lands today (check your Google Play/App Store if your game didn’t auto-update)!
A quick overview of what is included with this news update:
- Aether Raids update.
- New event: Lost Lore will begin on the 13th of August.
- New weapons skills/refines for Selena, Boey, Beruka and Mae.
- Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails: Cynthia: Hero Chaser, and Ylgr: Breaking the Ice.
- New Special Quests: Dark Blessing Quests
- GHB re-run: Takumi: Empty Vessel
- Daily summoning event: Heroes with Combat Boosts
To read up specifics on the Aether Raids update, the new Lost Lore event that is coming soon, the Dark Blessings quests, the GHB re-run and today’s daily summoning event, click on “Read more” below.
Content for v.3.8.0 update:
Aether Raids update
- Panic Manor (O/D) level cap raised to 5.
- Up to 10 Heroes can be invited to the Aether Resort
- Three new songs were added to the Concert Hall: “Encounters and Reunioons” from Thracia 776, “For Victory” from Path of Radiance, and “Dance in the Dark” from Fates.
Lost Lore
Lost Lore is a new event that will let you send your Heroes off to distant lands to acquire the lore of that land. Other rewards can come in the form of Orbs and Feathers, so that’s nice. You can read up Elieson’s explanation on Lost Lore via the recent Feh Channel write-up here. More details on Lost Lore will be released on a date closer to its release.
New Weapons and Refines
New weapons and refines were added for the following Heroes:
- Selena: Cutting Wit – Selena’s Blade
- Beruka: Quiet Assassin – Beruka’s Axe
- Mae: Bundle of Energy – Book of Orchids
- Boey: Skillful Survivor – Inscribed Tome
You can read the details on each of their refines here:
Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
Cynthia: Hero Chaser, and Ylgr: Breaking the Ice have now been added to the Grails shop, so now you can obtain more copies for their skills or merges.
Also today, we see new Special Quests made available: Dark Blessing Quests.
You can obtain rewards such as Orbs, Feathers and Stamina Potions by completing quests with your Heroes infused with Dark Blessings. It will run from today until the 20th of August, 6:59am UTC.
The next Grand Hero Battle to be re-run as part of the bi-daily 2018 GHB re-runs is Takumi: Empty Vessel.
Available only for 2 days until the 8th of August, 6:59am UTC, you have a chance to obtain a 4-Star copy of this unit by defeating Lunatic difficulty or higher with a team composed of 1 of each movement type (Infantry, Cavalry, Armour, Flying).
Finally, as part of the daily 2018 banners summoning event, today’s banner is Heroes with Combat Boosts.
On focus is Ayra, Brave Lyn, and Sonya for one day only, so at least grab your free summon.