Tag Archive for Bound Hero Battle

Heroes: Bound Hero Battle: Micaiah & Sothe + Summoning Focus Banner

The summer Orbs just keep coming in Fire Emblem Heroes! Today marks the beginning of the new Bound Hero Battle: Micaiah & Sothe event. Accessible in the Special Maps menu, successfully completing all the BHB challenges will earn you nine Orbs!

But that’s not all! Accompanying the new BHB is a Summoning Focus banner featuring the fearsome duo, along with Sanaki.

Bound Hero Battle: Micaiah & Sothe will be around for a little over a week, ending on 28 August. Considering we just received word the next banner involves the Choose Your Legends winners, I advise beating the new BHB as quickly as possible.


Heroes: Bound Hero Battle Revival: Corrin & Azura!

Another BHB has returned to Fire Emblem Heroes! Build a strong team and tackle Bound Hero Battle Revival: Corrin & Azura in the Special Maps menu.

If you didn’t beat their maps the first time around, it’s a great source of Orbs! There are also a series of quests that everyone can complete for a few more Orbs. Check out full quest details below.

Bound Hero Battle Revival: Corrin & Azura will be around for a week, ending on 20 August.

Feh’s Summer Celebration is still on-going as well! Today is the second Heroes with Death Blow banner, containing 5★ focus units for Elincia, Delthea, and Klein. We still have three more days of free banners and EXP/SP bonus. The event will be winding down this week with the TT+ starting tomorrow and the final Log-In Bonus starting on Thursday.

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Heroes: Bound Hero Battle: Leo & Elise!

As Tempest Trials+ begins to wind down, a new event has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes! Head to the Special Maps section to challenge Bound Hero Battle: Leo & Elise.

As per the usual, complete the HardLunatic, and Infernal difficulty maps with your strongest teams to earn a total of nine Orbs! Remember, every Hero you deploy in battle must survive, so tread carefully.

The BHB also comes with a banner, so if you like Leo, Elise, or Camilla, now is the perfect time to try for them.

Bound Hero Battle: Leo & Elise will be here until 29 July, giving you just under a week to snag some extra Orbs. While you’re at it, don’t forget about the new Blessed Gardens map in the Garden of Fire!

Heroes: Bound Hero Battle Revival: Raven & Lucius!

Another BHB has returned in Fire Emblem Heroes! Whether you missed its original run or just want some extra Orbs, check out Bound Hero Battle Revival: Raven & Lucius via the Special Maps menu!

If you weren’t around for it the first time, complete this BHB’s three maps to earn a total of nine Orbs. Additionally, there are new quests awarding another five Orbs if you beat the maps, as well as Raven and Lucius themselves, under certain conditions. You can view the quests below.

Bound Hero Battle Revival: Raven & Lucius will be available until 21 July.

In addition, a fix had been sent out to correct the description for Tiki’s Summer Breath skill. Also, because it’s Thursday, the first new Tactics Drill map has been added too, under Skill Studies.

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