We have another Fire Emblem Engage post via the official Fire Emblem Twitter, this time showcasing the Kingdom of Solm and its crown princess, Timerra.
Solm is an independent nation founded in south-east Elyos, ruled by Queen Sfoglia who values freedom.
Sfoglia is likely named after Sfogliatella, a type of pastry. All the Solmese folks we’ve seen are named after foods or dessert: Timerra (play on Tiramisu), Fogato (affogato), Pandoro, Bonet and Seadall (Seadas in the Japanese version).
Artwork and a profile card for Timerra:

Timerra (VA: Ami Koshimizu) is the crown princess of the Kingdom of Solm, and Fogato’s older sister. She has an innocent and cheerful personality, perhaps because she was brought up in freedom-loving Solm.
Although she was educated to be the next Queen, Timerra grew up extremely freely and easily gets along with anyone.
Her profile was already available via the official site, covered here, but her artwork is new. (Well, it does appear in the special edition artwork, but covered up by the other characters.)
For those wondering, Timerra’s Japanese name is Misutira, which makes the tiramisu reference even more obvious.
The next parts, I already covered in the official site analysis, but I’ll repeat it anyway.