Another version update for Fire Emblem Heroes is coming soon. Version 5.11.0 is scheduled for release on 3rd or 4th November 2021, depending on your timezone.
Legendary Hero Updates
Another pair of Legendary Heroes will be receiving upgraded skills.
Legendary Marth
Special: Shining Emblem
B: Binding Shield II – If unit’s Spd >= foe’s Spd+5 or if unit is in combat against a dragon foe, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot counterattack or make a follow-up attack. This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Legendary Tiki
B: Slick Fighter
C: With Everyone II – At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res +6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. If a foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff and initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers [Savior] on unit. If unit triggers Savior, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +4 during combat. This skill can only be equipped by its original unit.
Weapon Refinery
A further 8 Heroes will receive new weapon skills and/or refine options, including Legendary Marth and Tiki.
New weapon skills (and refines)
- Fanged Basilikos – Linus
- Kaze’s Needle – Kaze
New weapon refines
- Exalted Falchion – Legendary Marth
- Fruit of Iðunn – Summer Tana
- Sagittae – Kliff
- Thunder Armads – Legendary Hector
- Býleistr – Helbindi
- Divine Mist – Legendary Tiki
Combat Manuals
Events added after the update will award Divine Codes (Ephemera 11), which can be exchanged for the following limited-time combat manuals:
- 5-star: Perceval and Adrift Corrin (F)
- 4-star: Ferdinand, Libra, Lex, Groom Zelot and Sakura
Learn Skills Menu
In the “Learn Skills” screen, when “Best Skills” is selected, skills that the Hero hasn’t learned yet will also be displayed.
Heroes Journey
New Memento Events will be added to Heroes Journey. Presumably these will be from “Archive of the South”. Anyway, have a cat.
Aether Raids
The Healing Tower (O and D versions) can be upgraded to Level 9.
New songs will be available from the Aether Resort Concert Hall:
- “Embracing Destiny” (Genealogy of the Holy War game)
- “Awakening” (Three Houses)
Mjolnir’s Strike
The Nifl Icicle can be upgraded to Level 5.
Heroic Grails
Another two freebie Heroes, who debuted in September, will be added to the Grails shop:
Nanna (Tempest Trials+)
Aelfric (Grand Hero Battle)