Tag Archive for S_Kaga

Vestaria Saga I English Translation Planned for Summer + Gaiden Details

Since last year, it’s been relatively quiet on the Vestaria front. A few days ago, the Twitter account for the Vestaria series revealed that the official English translation of Vestaria Saga I is planning to release this Summer.

The tentative title screen for Zeid’s Gaiden. It’s quite popular already!

Note: All images belong to S_Kaga and Vestaria Project.

In addition, progress towards the two Gaiden games is going smoothly. Originally, Zeid’s Gaiden, “Silverbirch’s Sacred Sword”, was also planned for a Summer release. However, there has been a lot more work than anticipated, so it’s expected to slip into 2019.

While we’re waiting, here’s some information related to Zeid’s Gaiden that S_Kaga shared with us around late 2017.

Karajan is one of many disposable characters.

Firstly, there will be “disposable characters” introduced into the game. Previously, many SRPGs (including Vestaria) have a heavy focus on characters, which can make them awkward to play as players are often forced to reset when a valuable character dies.

This time, playable characters will be divided into normal characters (the returning characters from Vestaria Saga I + new important characters) and disposable characters. Disposable characters can be identified by a personal skill (seemingly an exclamation mark).

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Vestaria Saga I Official English Translation in the Works

In an unexpected development, S_Kaga revealed on his blog that his first title in the Vestaria Saga series will be officially translated into English.

Released during September of 2016, Vestaria Saga I received a lot of praise from Japanese and overseas fans for its intense strategical gameplay and well-developed story.

At the time, many fans were clamouring for an English translation. According to S_Kaga, an overseas publisher who’s been involved with localisation has since stepped in to translate the game.

The key things to know are that a release is not yet guaranteed, but provided everything goes to plan, a formal announcement will be made during 2018. Additionally, the English version will be a paid release, despite the original being free.

Note: All images belong to S_Kaga and Vestaria Project.

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Vestaria Saga Gaiden(s) in Development

Almost a year after Vestaria Saga I was released, S_Kaga has revealed his upcoming plans for the series on his blog.

(Image copyright S_Kaga)

Instead of Vestaria Saga II, fans can look forward to not one but two gaidens (side-stories) deeply connected to the first game.

From our understanding, the main body of volunteers working on the 2nd game (Vestaria Saga II) are taking a much-needed break. But rather than keep us waiting, S_Kaga wants to use this downtime to flesh out the stories introduced in the first game.

Here are the details that S_Kaga shared with his followers:

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Vestaria Saga: Menu Guide

It’s been just over a week since Vestaria Saga I was released. So far, a good number of fans have been enjoying the game, over on our forums, reddit, NeoGAF and other places.

For those of you brave enough to play the game despite the language barrier, but who are finding it difficult to decipher the menus, we made this for you!

Hint: You can click the images to enlarge them.

Title Screen


This is what you see upon booting up the game. The menus options are self-explanatory.

The “Reference” option loads up a manual of sorts, but right now, all the information within can be found in the game’s official site.

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