Archive for Pre-Release

Nintendo Announcing “Fire Emblem Nintendo Direct”, Next Week!

Not even an hour ago, Nintendo of America tweeted the following, that a Nintendo Direct geared specifically for Fire Emblem, is coming next week.


January 18, at 5p EST, you can catch the event at Nintendo’s Switch site.

In 5 days, we can look forward to discussion covering the rarely discussed Fire Emblem Mobile, and potentially more details on Nintendo Switch’s plans to handle Fire Emblem, including their announced Fire Emblem Warriors, due to release in the Holiday season of 2017. We may even hear about the Corrin amiibo, announced many months ago, for Super Smash Bros. Fan speculation is through the roof…are you excited yet?!

Nintendo Switch Releasing Fire Emblem Warriors

Well folks, the rumors were true. Koei Tecmo, with the help of Omega Force and Team NINJA, has officially released a trailer, shown during today’s Nintendo Switch Event, advertising the upcoming release of Fire Emblem Warriors.






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Vestaria Saga: Menu Guide

It’s been just over a week since Vestaria Saga I was released. So far, a good number of fans have been enjoying the game, over on our forums, reddit, NeoGAF and other places.

For those of you brave enough to play the game despite the language barrier, but who are finding it difficult to decipher the menus, we made this for you!

Hint: You can click the images to enlarge them.

Title Screen


This is what you see upon booting up the game. The menus options are self-explanatory.

The “Reference” option loads up a manual of sorts, but right now, all the information within can be found in the game’s official site.

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Apple Event! Nintendo Drops New Fire Emblem Mobile Info

At today’s Apple Event, Shigeru Miyamoto himself joined Apple team on stage to announce his first official video of Nintendo on iOS gameplay since Miitomo, and news about more coming Nintendo games.


Fire Emblem’s mobile installment was announced to be delayed, with a new expected release date of no later than the end of March, 2017. With their plan to release Super Mario Run first, during the 2016 Holiday Season, Fire Emblem Mobile will be available sometime between then.

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