Whoa, the official Fire Emblem Twitter sure isn’t slowing down… Today’s Fire Emblem Engage info covers the remaining members of the Four Hounds, plus one very mysterious lady.
We’ll start with the mysterious lady first, since the Four Hounds already have profiles on the official site, covered here.
Yunaka (VA: Fairouz Ai) is a mysterious woman who you meet on your travels. She’s cheerful and energetic and easily gets along with people she’s just met thanks to her friendliness.
If you missed it, she briefly appeared in the Divine Dragon Awakens trailer, towards the end. Later, we learned her name from the Engaging with Emblems trailer.
I wasn’t sure which nation to place her and was hoping her profile card would shed some light, but nope!
The map is the ruins one, recently featured in the battle preparations showcase, covered at the end of Celica’s analysis. It’s the stage of a paralogue, titled “The Secret Seller”.
Yunaka is a Level 7 Thief (Covert) with an Iron Knife, plus an unusable staff and a Vulnerary in her inventory. The first bit shows her opening a door without a key. Non-Thief characters must attack (and break) the door to open it.