Tag Archive for Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

E3: New Genei Ibun Roku #FE Trailer

During Nintendo’s E3 Digital Event, the Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem crossover received its second trailer, immediately after the Fire Emblem Fates trailer.


Unlike Fates, the trailer didn’t showcase any English voices nor did it reveal an official English title. Although Nintendo now refers to it as “Genei Ibun Roku #FE“, which is the transliteration of its Japanese title.

Today we learned that the game focuses on young heroes known as “Mirage Masters” who fight back against the “Mirages” that have invaded from a parallel world.

Besides fighting Mirages, our young heroes also live a double life as entertainers and the game promises to delve into their fight for stardom.

For the official trailer and description, please peer under the cut…

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Illusory Revelations #FE 3rd and 4th Blog Post

Updates to the Illusory Revelations #FE official site are becoming like buses: you wait ages for one, then two come at once. (Of course, game development isn’t easy, so that’s not a complaint, by any means.)

In any case, the last site update was back in late April and now, just over a month later, we have not one but two staff blog posts!


As it happens, both posts are from the directors of the game. The first post is from Eiji Ishida, the chief designer for battles, and the second post is from Mitsuru Hirata, who’s the chief director.

Because the posts are fairly long and I’m not great at translating anything beyond basic descriptions, I will instead refer you to Siliconera’s excellent English translations:

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April News Roundup 2: Sales and Sketches

Welcome to another roundup of minor Fire Emblem news from last week, as I try (badly) not to clutter up the front page.


20th April: The pre-sale ticket raffle is now underway at the Fire Emblem 25th Anniversary concert site; here, users can sign up for a chance to win tickets for the 25th Anniversary concert via a lottery.

Registrations for the ticket raffle close after 10th May 2015 and formal ticket sales will commence around a month later, from 7th June 2015.

This way, fans desperate for tickets can opt to try their luck with the RNG, before being forced to battle other fans, scalpers and overloaded servers as soon as ticket sales open.

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Illusory Revelations #FE 2nd Blog Post

Almost three weeks after its re-reveal, a new blog post has been added to the Illusory Revelations #FE official site. For those who can’t read Japanese, Mystic of TRADUKO Soft has kindly translated the post here.

Tsubasa wearing glasses

Tsubasa wearing glasses

This time, the game’s main character designer, toi8, shares his experience of working on this unique collaboration title. A fair warning: try not to take the last paragraph too seriously; it’s meant to be a lighthearted comment.

If you missed the first blog post, you can find it here (also translated by Mystic of TRADUKO Soft).