Moments ago, Fire Emblem Heroes greeted us with a data update containing several new units, a new Paralogue and a new Focus, which can be seen as Sibling Bonds. This new Banner and Focus group gives us a single new Focus with six units (the most in a Focus thus far). There is only one Focus this time, but it’s the largest Focus released to date.
This new Banner bring us three new maps and six new characters, including Eldigan, Olwen, Reinhardt and Lachesis (from Fire Emblem Thracia 776), Klein (Fire Emblem Binding Blade), Sanaki (Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn). Sanaki marks the first appearance of a character from any of the console Fire Emblem games released internationally, which is a surprise given the anticipation of Ike, who heralds from two popular internationally released games.
Additionally, Launch Celebration Part 4 exists, which is a two part map granting orbs as a prize. Lastly, a new banner appears to have been leaked…