Tag Archive for Translation

Berwick Saga English Translation Live Stream Now!

If you’ve been keeping up with Aethin’s translation efforts for Shozou Kaga’s Berwick Saga, you may be interested in paying a visit to Lord Raven’s Twitch server. Lord Raven’s Twitch channel (Click there), is live Now. Come and watch, to keep up while he and Aethin continue their gameplay through Chapter 4!

If you miss the stream, you can still keep up with Aethin’s work and the translation here, in its Serenes Forest thread.

As a recap: Serenes Forest user Aethin has been hard at work, assembling a fantastic English translation of this Japanese-exclusive title for players to finally enjoy in our English-dominant region. He’s completed about 2/3 of the translation project (66.2% to be precise), and another Serenes Forest user Lord Raven has been working with Aethin as a player of the game to showcase it for the world to enjoy.

Valentia Accordion Translation Progress

Last week, on 30th April, the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia memorial book “Valentia Accordion” was released in Japan.


Since then, Kirokan and I have teamed up to translate new information from the book. You can follow our progress on the forums or Kirokan’s website.

Anyway, here is a recap of our progress so far.

First things first, Kirokan has kindly scanned all the official artwork and full body portraits from the book, including many previously unreleased ones.

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Tellius Recollection Volume 2 Recap

The Radiant Dawn design book Tellius Recollection Volume 2 was released in Japan a few weeks ago. If you’ve been keeping up, Kirokan has been diligently translating the contents over on our forums, just like for the first volume.


Before diving straight into the new book, I should mention that the translations for the first volume (which covers the previous game, Path of Radiance) are pretty much complete.

In fact, not long ago, Kirokan translated the last major segment, which features the developers’ thoughts on the game. Here’s a link to Kirokan’s website, where the translation can be found.

What’s interesting is that the developers considered changing the story depending on if you followed Titania’s or Soren’s advice. Fans may remember that Titania was strict but understanding, while Soren was heavily focused on the results.

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Tellius Recollection Recap: Of Countries and Classes

The Tellius Recollection translation project has just passed its second week–and boy was it a busy week! Again, for your convenience, here’s another recap of last week’s translations and findings.


Like always, you can find the latest translations and comments on our forums or Kirokan’s website, Kantopia.

Following on from last week‘s history and timeline of Tellius, we have translations of the individual countries’ histories and backgrounds.

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