Archive for October 2019

Heroes: Weekly Revival Banners are Continuing!

My popular demand, the Weekly Revival Banners are sticking around a bit longer in Fire Emblem Heroes!

Today’s banner features Deirdre, Linde, and Young Tiki, just like the very first banner. Also, just like before, these heroes will have a higher chance of appearing! You can see the full schedule in the Notifications Screen if you need a refresher.

As you might expect, this banner will last for one week before disappearing. We’ll have another new banner next Sunday.

Heroes: Coliseum Quests are Back!

Another series of Coliseum Quests has returned to Fire Emblem Heroes!

Complete Arena duels, Arena Assault battles, and Allegiance battles to earn Orbs, Feathers, and other prizes. Once you finish one tier of quests, another tier unlocks! You’ll have two weeks to complete them all.

Additionally, don’t forget that Grand Conquests started yesterday!

The first round is still going on for another day, ending at tomorrow’s reset. Complete battles and quests each day to fight for your team and earn sweet rewards. The final round ends at reset on 31 October.

Heroes: Conrad Grand Hero Battle is live!

Fire Emblem Heroes’ latest Grand Hero Battle is Conrad: Masked Knight, from Shadows of Valentia!

The Grand Hero Battle is available from today until the 2nd of November 6:59am UTC. Be sure to get in before then and grab your three copies. If the character doesn’t excite you, he does come with Barrier Lance+, Glacies, Bracing Stance 2 and Chill Atk 3, if you want these skills on other Heroes.

Also today: A new Tactics Drills: Grandmaster! This one gives an Orb, so it may be worth the effort.

Heroes: “A Day in the Life” Manga Gets Official English Release!

The online Heroes manga, “A Day in the Life“, is now getting an official English release!

Feh announced the original Japanese version of the manga during a Feh Channel video in November of 2017. Since then, @FE_Heroes_JP has posted weekly updates of the comedic series.

The English version will not cover old manga chapters but instead releases the current issue concurrently with the Japanese release. You can read them via @FE_Heroes_EN or on the official site. Here’s the first chapter!

Additionally, in Heroes itself, pre-registration is now open for a Whitewings version of Grand Conquests. Today is also the final day for the current Tempest Trials+ event, so make sure to finish that up if you need to still!