Fire Emblem Engage: Volume 3 of the Manga Adaptation Releasing 4th July 2024

The 3rd volume of the on-going Fire Emblem Engage manga will be releasing in standalone book format from 4th July 2024.

Above is the cover featuring princes Diamant and Alcryst, illustrated by Kyou Kazuro, via Shounen Jump.

This new volume includes 184 pages. Currently, the manga has 16 chapters (and a prologue), which you can read here (the first 4 and last 2 chapters are free to read). New chapters are added around the start of each month.

The manga is (still) only available in Japanese, although you can find fan translations online.

Fire Emblem Engage: Volume 2 of the Manga Adaptation Releasing 4th March 2024

Volume 2 of the on-going Fire Emblem Engage manga will be releasing in standalone book format from 4th March 2024.

Above is the cover, illustrated by Kyou Kazuro and shared by the Fire Emblem JP Twitter.

The second volume includes 184 pages. At the time of writing, the manga has 12 chapters (and a prologue), which you can read here. New chapters are added around the start of each month.

The manga is only available in Japanese, although you can find fan translations online.

Merchandise: 1/7 Scale Figure of Female Alear from Fire Emblem Engage!

A 1/7 scale figure of female Alear from Fire Emblem Engage has been announced, scheduled for release on February 2025.

Given the close proximity to Wonder Festival Winter 2024 (which begins on 11th February) and the fact that Intelligent Systems will be attending, there’s a good chance the female Alear figure will be on display there. (Female Corrin and Veronica may also be there.)

Similar to previous figure announcements, an official webpage has been set up, featuring several photos, a 360 degree video, plus a special message from Mika Pikazo, the game’s artist and character designer.

At last, Alear from Fire Emblem Engage is getting a figure!
The eyes full of conviction, the shimmering mix of red and blue hair and the way she stands tall for the ordeal ahead that I pictured when drawing her seems more concrete and cool now that it’s a figure.
I was very surprised to see how stunning the figure looked; it seems to combine stillness and motion no matter which angle you look from.
As an illustrator, it makes it extremely happy to see my illustrations recreated and realised in 3D.
I’d be happy if you could appreciate the figure from various angles and up close!
Once again, congratulations on the figure!

Mika Pikazo (translated)

Good Smile Company, which distributes the figure, also has a product page (global version, US version here) with additional photos and information in English. Below are photos from that page.

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Heroes: Feh Channel, Choose Your Legends 8 Edition

A new Feh Channel is now available, sharing the results of the recent Choose Your Legends Round 8, anniversary events and more.

First, the news you’ve probably been waiting for… Here are the winners of Choose Your Legends 8.

Alfonse (Heroes) wins 1st place in the mens’ division, while Bernadetta (Three Houses) scoops 1st place in the womens’ division. The second place winners are Felix (Three Houses) and female Robin (Awakening).

Nevermind an Engage sweep, nobody from Engage entered the top 4. However, it was very close with Diamant and Yunaka in 3rd place for the mens’ and womens’ respectively, plus several characters in the top 20. Maybe next year, Engage fans, unless they suddenly release a new game before then.

The full results will be shared via the Choose Your Legends 8 website around 31st January. In the meantime, the official Twitter account lists the top 20 winners and the winners by game title.

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