Archive for FE Heroes

Heroes: Book VII Feh Channel

A new Feh Channel showcasing Book VII is now available to watch.

After dealing with the conflict between Askr and Embla, the Order of Heroes head to Vanaheimr, the realm of light, to stop an evil sorceress who can control time.

In the Book VII opening, we’re introcued to Seiðr (the freebie Mythic Hero), Heiðr (her “little sister”) and Gullveig (the antagonist).

The artist is once again Yoshiku, who drew the characters for Book IV.

Next, we have some details for the first summoning event for Book VII. More children from FE Fates will be making their debut, alongside an infamous villain.

Caeldori, Dwyer, Rearmed Ophelia and Seiðr will be the featured Heroes in the “Book VII Begins: Seiðr and More” summoning event.

Meanwhile, Kiragi will be available from quests and Hans from the next Grand Hero Battle.

Besides all that, Feh shared various details for the Version 7.0 update. The biggest ones being:

  • Otherworld Bonds: Can be used to recruit one Hero from a Binding Worlds event as a Forma. Similar to Hall of Forms, but they also have max Dragonflowers. Will be limited to Heroes added between Version 1.0 and 4.11.
  • Arena First Summon Tickets: In each Arena season after the update, the reward for 5 consecutive victories in Arena is a special type of First Summon Ticket that guarantees a Hero from the 4-star Special pool.

Heroes: Legendary Veronica & Mythic Embla Coming Soon!

It shouldn’t be a surprise seeing how Book VI ended (and with the recent announcement of her scale figure), but the Book VI version of Veronica will be appearing at a summoning event near you soon, as a Legendary Hero no less!

In addition, she’ll be joined by her patron deity, Embla herself.

(You can view the Japanese trailer here.)

Veronica and Embla’s Legendary and Mythic Hero banner begins from 30th November 2022.

Joining them are:

  • Red: Legendary Nanna
  • Blue: Seiros, Legendary Caeda and Legendary Deirdre
  • Green: Hel, Dagr and Ymir
  • Colorless: Bramimond, Legendary Micaiah and Ascended Celica

Also, if you missed it (or want to see it again), the FE Heroes team shared the Book VI ending, featuring Veronica and Sharena earlier.

Heroes: Book VI Ending Movie, “Princess’ Pledge”

Following the conclusion of Book VI of Fire Emblem Heroes, the team have shared the ending movie for it.

We see Sharena and Veronica enjoying some pleasant tea time. I was half expecting a tease for the next book, but it’s nice to just relax sometimes.

Just in case, it was announced earlier that a scale figure of Book VI Veronica will be released during February 2024. It’s funny to think that, by that time, we should be in Book VIII of FE Heroes.

Merchandise: Veronica (FE Heroes) Scale Figure Revealed!

During WonHobby Gallery 2022 AUTUMN, a scale figure of Fire Emblem Heroes‘s Veronica in her Book VI guise was showcased.

Here’s the link to the official gallery (which features the above image). The publisher is listed as Intelligent Systems.

Thanks to a recording from AmiAmi English, here are the details for the figure:

  • Release date: February 2024
  • Price: 29,700 Yen (with tax)
  • Sculptor: 村川勝心
  • Colour: 上下茜

To emphasise, the figure is expected to release in 2024, so around 14 months away.