The New Heroes include: Gilliam, Syrene, Vanessa and Rearmed Tana.
Additionally, Vigarde can be obtained from the upcoming Grand Hero Battle.
Update: Until 22nd April 2023 (may be earlier depending on your timezone), you can claim a free copy of Fomortiis, winner of the “A Hero Rises 2023” Voting Gauntlet, from the in-game Present List.
The next Mythic Heroes banner in Fire Emblem Heroes is a double whammy, featuring the Demon King Fomortiis from The Sacred Stones and Gotoh, the White Sage, from Mystery of the Emblem.
You don’t need to analyse the strangely large black box any more: the next Legendary Hero will be Myrrh from The Sacred Stones, who appears in a summoning event from 31st May 2022 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
Following Tiki and Fae, Myrrh is the third young dragon girl to achieve the rank of Legendary Hero. Despite not being a Divine Dragon like those two, she is still fairly important to her game world, being the guardian of Darkling Woods.
If you’re confused about the “large black box” I mentioned, the FE Heroes team “teased” the next Legendary Hero by representing them as a blank mystery box for the next season’s Arena Bonus Heroes. To my knowledge, this box was bigger than usual, prompting speculation it could be a Manakete, flier or cavalry Hero.
Anyway, the following Heroes will also be featured:
Red: Legendary Eliwood, Priam and Neimi
Blue: Legendary Byleth (F) and Legendary Caeda
Green: Legendary Edelgard, Dagr and Legendary Byleth (M)
Colorless: Bramimond, Legendary Claude and Ascended Joshua
Please continue for a breakdown of Myrrh’s abilities!
We hope you all enjoyed the holiday season! Back to business, the first New Heroes banner of 2022 features Ascended Joshua and Heroes from The Sacred Stones. It’ll be active from 7th January 2022 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
Besides King Joshua, the featured Heroes include childhood friends Colm and Neimi, plus Rennac who couldn’t escape L’Arachel for long. Our condolences to any Moulder fans.
Additionally, Riev: Blood Beryl, one of Grado’s six generals, will be available from a Grand Hero Battle, starting on 8th January (UTC). He briefly appears near the end of the trailer as a Blue Tome Infantry.
Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!