The second Tempest Trials in Fire Emblem Heroes begins this Friday! Entitled Tempest Trials: Resonating Fangs, this next installment focuses on characters from Fire Emblem Echoes. In fact, a new banner featuring 5★ heroes for Alm, Mae, Boey, and Faye is already available!
Those four heroes are the 40% bonus allies for the upcoming event. Three more Echoes characters—Clair, Tobin, and Lukas— are 20% bonus allies, as is Sharena. Like Masked Marth in the original Tempest Trials, Tobin is available as a prize within the event. You earn his 5★ at the 30k point mark. We don’t know yet any of the other new prizes, if any.
As mentioned in the Version 1.5 notes, Tempest Trials mechanics are updating slightly. Players will now receive more points from playing Normal and Hard maps, and enemy status will remain the same between teams.
Tempest Trials: Resonating Fangs begins this Friday, 7 July, at 7:00am UTC. Like the previous event, it will run for two weeks, ending on 21 July.
Additionally, the War of the Clerics Voting Gauntlet has now come to a close. After a long battle, Elise from Fire Emblem Fates finally takes her spot at the top. Don’t forget to claim your final rewards!