Archive for February 2016

Fire Emblem: Fates Special Edition Giveaway by AbdallahSmash026

Recently, we posted his videos here on Serenes Forest. Now, he’s released a new video that announces a new contest where people can win the North American special edition of Fates and also tells people a bit about the site. You can see the video here:

If you’d like to enter the contest, entry can be done at this link. Some of the ways to enter involve simply visiting us, following Abdallah on YouTube, or following and tweeting our twitter account. Check the link for details.

Fire Emblem: Fates Videos and More

No doubt most of you in North America are likely already busy playing Fates yourselves, but if you’re not located in North America, can’t afford to buy the game yet, or simply just enjoy watching the game, this bit of news is for you. We were recently approached by AbdallahSmash026, a popular YouTuber, about his coverage of Fates. As a result, we now have a section of the site dedicated to videos relating to Fire Emblem games. This can be found under the shiny new Videos link on the left. Abdallah has footage of all the routes in Fire Emblem: Fates and has been uploading that footage since release, but not every chapter is up yet; however, the playlists we’ve embedded are actively being updated as these uploads happen.


If you are also interested in having your gameplay footage embedded on the site, we ask that you please wait a little while. This new section is experimental and the details for how it is going to work exactly are still being worked out. In the meantime, you can check out Abdallah’s Fates footage here.

Fire Emblem Fates NA Release, with Words from Azura Herself!

Yes, Fire Emblem Fates has released universally in North America! Special Edition owners are running frantically, as Best Buy’s last minute orders are falling apart and some shipments are looking to be delayed, but the games are out on shelves today! Nintendo’s Digital Downloads are available, and the Downloadable Content Pack “Before Awakening” is currently free for download. Go get it while you can!


Recently, an interview with Azura voice actress Rena Strober surfaced, highlighting some struggles the voice acting community faces and the internet has even thrown out criticism towards her talents. Our site reacted and users on our forums started up a Fan-Support thread.


Yesterday, we were graced with a new member to Serenes Forest, Ms. Rena Strober herself, who commented on the dozens of positive posters and the community as a whole with a relief-filled message of her own:

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Serenes Forest Streams Fates in the States During “Stream Of Fates”

As just about everybody reading this article knows already, Fire Emblem Fates Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates Conquest are released tomorrow. If you’re not able to get your hands on it quite yet, come check out a playthrough by one of Serenes Forests’ longest active members, Snake Mom.


The stream will run for nine hours, starting tomorrow at 2 p.m. EST, with an anticipated start following through Birthright. There will also be some streaming of the game on Saturday, so come check it out Fates in the states.

Why is Serenes Forest user Snake Mom streaming her Birthright playthrough? Why, it’s opening SF’s Spriting community’s Stream of Fates titled spriting stream. There will be quite a few events going on from tomorrow until February 27, so if you have any interest in the arts or just want to get to know the community a bit better while showing some support, check out the event’s numerous streamed artists as they do their thing!

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