Tag Archive for Famitsu

Three Houses: Famitsu 5th Article (Demonic Beasts, Monastery Loose Ends)

It’s now 11th July in Japan, which means the next issue of Famitsu is now available to purchase digitally. Thanks to Nintendo Everything, we have the images from the Three Houses feature from the latest issue. This time, there isn’t a lot of new info, but we’ll take what we can get!

The first double page spread, where the preview image is from, is dedicated to the “Demonic Beasts”. These are monstrous enemies far stronger than humans. Not only are they powerful, they occupy multiple tiles and have multiple HP bars. The ones shown include the Black Beast, Giant Bird, Giant Wolf and King of Beasts. All four appeared in prior footage.

As you may have noticed, there are yellow tiles underneath the Demonic Beasts. These are barriers that provide defensive boosts for the beast, making them harder to defeat. If you can deal enough damage, by using weapons or Combat Arts effective against monsters or Gambits, you can break the barriers.

Doing so will cause them to be confused, temporarily preventing them from counter-attacking. After a while, broken barriers will automatically be restored. If you can break all the barriers at once, you’ll inflict “armour break”, which prevents the beast from moving for a while, while also rewarding you with valuable item(s).

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Three Houses: Famitsu Preview (Demonic Beasts, New Characters, Facilities and Classes)

We’re entering the final stretch of Three Houses news! Famitsu has posted a preview of their fifth Three Houses feature, ahead of the release of their next magazine issue (25th July) in just over a day.

The headline of this feature is the gigantic “Demonic Beasts”, monsters that occupy multiple tiles and with multiple HP bars. The “King of Beasts” is one such Demonic Beast. As is the Black Beast shown in the illustration.

If you’re interested, there’s a much larger version of the Black Beast illustration from the E3 2019 press assets.

Here’s the preview image provided. If you’re wondering why it’s blurrier than usual, that’s because the image itself is half the size. Here’s the actual size. I’m not quite sure why they shrunk the image–were too many people correctly guessing details?

Anyway, because the image is so insanely small, saying it’s difficult to determine anything is an understatement. That said, the screenshot in the far bottom-left corner seems to show Dimitri in his Lord class fighting a Black Beast.

Correction: Disclaimer has pointed out that this isn’t post-timeskip Dimitri because the cape design is much simpler here. Indeed, assuming this is the Black Beast battle (because of the similar map and background), we know it takes place during the academy phase.

Also, I believe they’re showing the Giant Bird, Giant Wolf and King of Beasts in the assorted screenshots. The Giant Bird appeared at the very end of one of the recent commercials. Meanwhile the Giant Wolf was in the first Treehouse Live battle, as well as the Japanese Introduction video.

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Three Houses: Famitsu 4th Article Follow Up (More Screenshots and Details)

Today, Famitsu posted the online version of their recent Three Houses articles. The content is pretty much the same, but there are more than twice the number of screenshots. I’m guessing Nintendo gave them a lot to choose from…

Anyway, because the info is basically the same, I recommend reading our previous article first, although I’ll do my best to provide recaps here and there.

Like before, the article starts by briefly discussing the “War Phase” part of the game, 5 years later. As far as I can tell, this is the largest resolution we’ve seen of older Edelgard’s artwork (the other house leaders’ artwork can be found here). Hmm, the crest on Edelgard’s axe is indeed the same as Marianne’s…

Update: Actually, Nintendo re-uploaded super high res versions of the grown up house leaders’ artwork to their E3 press site. You can find them in our gallery. A big thanks to Michael for the heads up!

Moving on, they mention that the game flow is largely unchanged in this part of the game. There’s still a calendar and you still train your allies during weekdays and do whatever you want during weekends. There are some slight differences, like “instructing” is now called “training” (probably because they’re no longer students).

After this, we get a glimpse of some students during the War Phase. Now I don’t personally consider these spoilers since they come from official media, but I know some of you want to be surprised. So I’ve hidden the images inside links.


We saw this screenshot of Bernadetta before, but it was kinda small before. Anyway, she has strengths in Lance and Bow (and Heavy Armor, although you can’t see it here), but weaknesses in Sword, Axe and Fighting. Those strange face-like icons are statue bonuses.


This screenshot of Ashe is new. He has strengths in Axe and Bow, but a weakness in Reason. He also has a hidden talent in Lance. Oddly, there are no statue bonuses here. Did the player in this save file simply not activate them?

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Three Houses: 4th Famitsu Article (Nightcrawlers, Tea Parties and Offerings for Saints)

E3 might have come and gone, but Three Houses news continues to flow! Today, the latest issue of Famitsu was released, with a new 8-page article discussing the time skip, new villains, more activities and gameplay elements.

Firstly, the time skip information is basically the stuff we know from E3. The first half of the game focuses on the academy, then the second half focuses on a huge war involving the 3 nations, 5 years later. At this point in time, the 3 house leaders lead their respective nations.

Note: Special thanks to Nintendo Everything for the images!

What we weren’t certain of before is that the monastery will still play a pivotal role in the second half, called the “war phase”. You’ll still progress through the calendar and you can still train your students, explore the monastery etc. Each chapter lasts a month, as before. But the stakes are higher.

Two screenshots were shown of the academy during the war phase.

The first one seems to depict an older Felix. As you can see, the protagonist has already changed their hair colour. Currently, it’s the 11th of the 1st month, the Harvest Season. The backdrop is the monastery’s cathedral. The player’s Professor Level is C by this point (so about halfway there) and they have 5 activity points to spend.

A new option is available at the top: Advanced Training, which costs 1 activity point in exploring. According to Famitsu, you can receive training from anyone with skill levels higher than yours. So a more flexible version of Faculty Training for students. The other options are gift, lost item and invite to tea (more on this later).

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