Tag Archive for Preview

Three Houses: Famitsu Preview (Personal Skills, Crests and More Characters)

Last month, Famitsu shared their first batch of new Three Houses information, with a promise of more to come. This week’s issue of Famitsu, which releases on 16th May 2019, will cover additional new characters, personal skills, crests, as well as gameplay details related to the battalions and Officer’s Academy.

Featured is the preview image for this week’s article. Before you try to frantically zoom in to analyse all the details, remember that these previews are always small (to make you go out and buy the actual issue, of course). That said, it’s possible to vaguely gleam some new info…

Firstly, you don’t need to scrunch your eyes to see the half-body portrait for Hilda, from the Golden Deer. She will be one of the characters profiled–and will presumably be covered by the official Twitter account and Japanese website before long.

There’s also a screenshot showing Bernadetta and Dorothea interacting. Without context, it’s hard to tell what this is showing. But since Famitsu is covering the Officer’s Academy, I’m guessing they’ll talk about it in that section.

Personal skills make a return from Fates. As their names suggest, they are skills that are unique to each character. Sadly, it’s nigh impossible to read any of the personal skills listed. It seems like the House Leaders have a personal skill that has a crown icon, but with different colour backgrounds.

Additionally, some characters also possess crests (which–according to a certain someone–are to blame for everything). Byleth, the House Leaders, Felix, Lorenz and Hilda have crests, but Hubert, Dorothea and Dedue (previously translated as “Doudou”) don’t.

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Echoes: Gamespot Preview with New Screenshots

On Friday, Gamespot checked out the English build of Shadows of Valentia at Nintendo’s PAX East 2017 booth. You can find their preview, which includes a couple of new English screenshots, over here.

Of note, the author commented about the lack of a weapon triangle, which some fans already guessed, due to the game sticking close to Gaiden‘s mechanics. That said, there will apparently be other ways to gain an advantage in battle.

There was also mention of “no support system during battles”, which has gotten some worried about the absence of support conversations. While we still have no information about this subject, this line was likely referring to Pair Up and Tag Team.

Otherwise, we got more confirmation about Archers being able to attack (or at least counter-attack) at melee range and spell-casters expending HP to cast spells. All things you could deduce from analysing recent screenshots.

If anything, it’s the screenshots included in the article that are the most interesting.

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