Tag Archive for Preview

Three Houses: Switch and Game Card Case, Influencer Previews

We have some new pieces of Three Houses information for you.

First, there will be some new officially-licensed Nintendo Switch-related products from Maxgames, who also released similar products for Super Mario Bros. and Pokken Tournament. These will be released in Japan on 26th July, to coincide with the game’s release.

Above is the Nintendo Switch Smart Pouch EVA (Fire Emblem Three Houses). What we have here is a neat carry case that carries your Nintendo Switch more securely, along with space for 3 game cards. It features Sothis on the main part of the design.

(Link to product page)

Next is the Nintendo Switch Card Pocket 24 (Fire Emblem Three Houses). It carries your Nintendo Switch game cards: up to 24 at a time. Once again, the design is based on Sothis.

(Link to product page)

For the next part of this article, many influencers have recently started to upload previews of the game. Like earlier previews, they played a bit of the academy section during the 8th month, plus the King of Beasts map.

Playthrough by RogersBase

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Three Houses: New “War Phase” Student Designs & More E3 Previews

Yesterday was quite a busy day for Three Houses news, thanks to a new Famitsu article. Today, two more gaming magazines–Nintendo Dream and Dengeki Nintendo–released their newest issues, with their own Three Houses articles.

Now, all of these magazines generally share the same content–and it’s usually Famitsu that gets the scoop first (for semi-obvious reasons). That said, they often use slightly different screenshots, since they don’t have space to publish all of them.

As it happens, Nintendo Dream features additional screenshots from the “War Phase”, 5 years later, showcasing a few more of the students. I’m aware that some people consider this a spoiler, so I’ve only shown the silhouettes. If you want to see the designs, click on the image or here (only if you are reading the full article)

From what I can tell, the students (from left to right) are Bernadetta (confirmed from her name in this screenshot), Ashe, Lorenz, Hilda, Caspar, Felix (who also appeared in this screenshot) and I *think* Lysithea.

If you compare with Lysithea in the “School Phase”, they have the same general build and similar hairstyle. The main thing that confused me was her hair colour, but I think she’s just standing in a really dark place. The back of her hair is white as you’d expect. Huh, 5 years later, it seems Lysithea hasn’t grown much, haha…

That’s it for the “big” news.

However, recently, a few more media outlets have posted their E3 previews of the game. Notably Polygon and Eurogamer Spain. It’s all stuff we’ve seen before in Gamespot’s preview and Treehouse Live, etc. but there are some interesting new discoveries to be found. If you’re interested, please continue on…

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Three Houses: Famitsu 4th Preview (Timeskip, Combat Arts and Advanced Classes)

It’s been 3 weeks since the last Famitsu article for Three Houses and, with E3 past us, we were overdue for our next one. Fortunately, we’ll be getting our next article this week, around 20th June 2019.

As is the norm, Famitsu provided a very low resolution image of one of the double-page spreads. This one showcases a few of the Combat Arts and Advanced Classes. In addition, the article will discuss the time skip (might just be the same info from E3) and some new characters.

Looking at the preview, I believe the featured Combat Arts are Wrath Strike (Sword), Back Blow (Gauntlet; seems to work like Hit and Run in Heroes), one I can’t see (used by Dedue and does 34 damage) and Curved Shot (Bow).

Meanwhile the featured Advanced Classes appear to be Hero (sported by male Byleth), Fortress (the armoured one), Paladin (on horseback), Grappler (holding the claw-shaped Gauntlet), Warlock (with black robes) and what looks like Bishop (with white robes).

Update: After staring at the class names a bit more, I’ve changed the armoured and Gauntlet ones. They could all still be different though.

These classes all have 2 Class Abilities, with the exception of Paladin and Bishop, which have 3. The text is too small for me to make out, but I’m guessing Hero has Swordfaire, Paladin has Lancefaire (and Move Again), Grappler has Gauntletfaire and Warlock has Blackmagicfaire or whatever it’ll be localised into.

In the bottom-left corner, there’s an introduction to Hero Relics, which is probably the same one from the official Twitter account. Meanwhile, in the bottom-right corner, there’s a blurb about Byleth’s Sword of the Creator. In particular, it’s talking about its number of uses and I think a possible way to repair or even auto-repair it. It’s really hard to see.

Three Houses: Famitsu Preview (Scary Villains, Activities and Battle System)

Famitsu has teased their 3rd Three Houses article, which will appear in their 13th June issue releasing on 30th May 2019. This one will discuss the beginning of the story, activities at the Officer’s Academy and the battle system (including Gambit Boosts).

As usual, there’s a preview of one of the double-page spreads, which is unfortunately too small to make out the precise details. That said, it’s clear there will be brand new profiles for Ashe and Lysithea–who will probably be profiled by the official Twitter and website later this week.

On top of that, Famitsu provided images of two presumably villain characters. They are known as the “Reaper Knight” (or Death Knight or Grim Knight, you get the picture) and the “Flame Emperor”. Apparently they have a serious grudge against the Garreg-Mach Monastery.

Anyway, I tried my best to analyse the tiny preview image, but it’s no easy task. Besides, the full issue will be out within 2 days.

The main agenda is the calendar and weekend activities, introduced in the 2nd Famitsu article. The big screenshot with female Byleth standing around is highlighting the map of the academy. You can toggle a full map of the academy (shown in the top-right corner), which probably indicates where all your students can be found.

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