Archive for July 2016

Tellius Recollection Part 1 Out Now + Pre-orders for Part 2

Yesterday, the Path of Radiance art book Tellius Recollection (Part 1) was released in Japan. On the same day, Amazon Japan opened up pre-orders for Tellius Recollection (Part 2), which covers the sequel, Radiant Dawn.


At the moment, there are very few details about the Radiant Dawn book, except that it’s scheduled for release on 28th October 2016 and will retail for 3,456 Yen just like the first book.

As for the first book, Japanese fans have only just started digging in and our own copies haven’t arrived yet, so it’ll probably take a while before all the juicy details start flooding in.

For now, here’s a basic description of the contents of the book according to an Amazon review:

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Fates: New Drama CDs Revealed

Otomart, a Japanese online store that specialises in selling CDs and DVDs, recently added four Fire Emblem Fates drama CDs to their database (although they’ve currently been removed at the time of writing).


For those unfamiliar with drama CDs, they’re collections of short episodes that you can listen to–the best Western comparison is probably a radio drama or audio book.

Drama CDs are quite popular in Japan, as they provide an easy and relatively low-cost way of expanding on the story or exploring fun, little side-stories. Previously, there was also a series of drama CDs for Awakening.

In addition to the separate drama CDs, there’s a collector’s edition box, which contains the four CDs plus extra goodies. Here are the details…

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Vestaria Saga: The Final Stretch + Difficulty Concerns

In a recent blog post from 21st July, Kaga revealed that Vestaria Saga I is currently in the final stage of debugging and that it will be released as scheduled during Summer 2016 (by 21st September).


Additionally, Kaga updated his Q and As post to clear things up for those concerned about the game’s advertised high difficulty. A special thanks to Kirokan for helping me translate the post!

To begin with, Kaga states that the game is designed for experienced strategy RPG players. Typical strategy RPGs tend to get easier towards the end, but Vestaria will become more difficult the closer to endgame.

If players don’t properly plan how to distribute experience, items and funds from the start, the game may end up unwinnable. Also, Kaga advises against only training a select few characters, as all units are fielded in the final map.

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Fates: New Figures Shown at Wonder Festival 2016 (Summer)

Today, the second Wonder Festival of 2016 took place in Chiba, Japan. In recent years, Fire Emblem has made minor appearances at this premiere event for figure-collecting fans and this time was no different.

Firstly, the rather popular female Corrin from FE Fates is getting not one, but two figures. This is great news for those disappointed that female Corrin never got an Amiibo (although of course the budget range is different).

wfs2016-corrin-figma wfs2016-corrin-nendo

On the left we have a figma version co-developed by Max Factory and Good Smile Company. While those that prefer their cutesy figures can enjoy the nendoroid version on the right. Both should have exciting movable parts.

Next, we have a picturesque update for the Elise nendoroid revealed as a prototype during the previous Wonder Festival.

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