Tag Archive for DLC

Three Houses: Nintendo Japan Sheds a Tiny Bit More Light on “Cindered Shadows” Side Story

Following yesterday’s trailer for Wave 4 of the Three Houses DLC, Nintendo Japan posted an article with a few more details.


To get everyone up to speed, Wave 4 will be arriving on 12th or 13th February 2020 (depending on where you live). It will include a new side story called “Cindered Shadows” and features new characters, classes, paralogues and activities etc.

The first thing to note is that Cindered Shadows is separate from the main game, with its own save files. To play it, you must choose the new “Side Story” option located between “Nintendo eShop” and “Copy”.

When creating a save file, players can choose the protagonist’s form and name, as well as select the difficulty (Normal or Hard) and mode (Classic or Casual). Just like when you begin a new save file for the main game.

In the main game, players followed a monthly routine where they taught and socialised with their students, while preparing for the end-of-month task. However, Cindered Shadows will have a different gameplay cycle (no details given).

Also, players will be provided with fixed team members and won’t be able to recruit other students. Furthermore, the maps will feature a lot of gimmicks and the overall difficulty is a bit higher than the main game.

(Not mentioned here, but by playing the side story, you can recruit new characters from the side story in the main game.)

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Three Houses Becomes “Four Houses” When “Cindered Shadows” DLC Story Arrives on 13th February 2020*

Byleth getting invited into Smash wasn’t the only big news today! Nintendo also surprised fans with a trailer for Wave 4 of the Three Houses DLC, featuring the new “Cindered Shadows” side story.

In this new story, you’ll join forces with four members of the Ashen Wolves, the secret fourth house living in the Abyss below Garreg Mach Monastery. From the looks of things, members of this house are rejects from society.

By progressing through this side story, you can recruit the new characters–Balthus, Yuri, Constance and Hapi–to the main story, while unlocking new classes, paralogues and activities.

Also, during the side story, it looks like you can use all three three House Leaders alongside other impossible recruits (like Hilda fighting alongside Edelgard!).

Cindered Shadows will be available for Expansion Pass owners from 13th February 2020* (UTC).

* 12th February 2020 (PST).

For more details and screenshots, please keep reading!

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Byleth Joins Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as the 5th DLC Fighter!

The inevitable has happened, although perhaps far sooner than we imagined… In today’s Super Smash Bros Ultimate presentation, it was announced that Byleth from Three Houses will be joining as the 5th DLC Fighter, from 29th January 2020 (UTC).

Similar to Robin and Corrin, players can choose to fight as both male and female versions of Byleth. As you’d expect, Byleth fights with their signature Sword of the Creator, but to mix things up (and reduce complaints although good luck with that), they can fight with other hero relics as well.

The Sword of the Creator is Byleth’s default weapon, used for regular attacks. It’s also used during upward inputs, such as Byleth’s Up Smash, which launches foes into the air, and Up Special, which reels in foes and can be used to grab onto edges.

For sideways inputs, Byleth wields Dimitri’s Areadbhar instead. Because it’s a lance, it has a longer reach than the Sword of the Creator. This long range extends to the Side Smash attack, which can also be angled. However, its damage is concentrated on its tip.

Downward inputs cause Byleth to wield Edelgard’s Aymr. This mighty axe has a meteor effect when used during a Down Air attack. But to really appreciate its power, you need only witness its Down Special, which charges a devastating blow with a brief moment of super armour.

Lastly, Byleth will borrow Claude’s Failnaught for some of their neutral moves. During their Neutral Air attack, Byleth will spin around using the bow. For their Neutral Special, they will obviously fire an arrow. But this can also be charged up into a powerful beam attack.

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Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions English Version Now Out & Soundtrack News!

A heads up for strategy RPG fans (that should be you, right?). The English version of Vestaria Saga I: War of the Scions is now available to purchase on Steam. This is the game that Mr. Kaga–“father” of Fire Emblem–and his team created in their spare time.

By this point, we probably don’t need to tell you more about the game. But if you’re unsure, feel free to browse through our news archives.

In addition, the publishers have released Vestaria Saga I Soundtrack PIANO ARRANGEMENT & 8-BIT MUSIC VERSION, which is a selection of 11 8-bit arrangements from the CD plus 5 brand new piano arrangements and their original versions. For a total of 21 tracks.

This can be purchased as a bundle with the game or separately as DLC. However, you must own the game to purchase it. Also, the piano arrangements (and original versions) are not available yet and will be added once they’re completed.

On their Twitter account, Mr. Saitoh, who composed for the game (as well as Kaga’s previous game, Berwick Saga), mentions that he’s up for composing more tracks if there’s enough demand.

Furthermore, for the first time, the Vestaria Saga I Original Soundtrack has been released outside of Japan! The soundtrack contains 70 tracks from the game. Also, this version will come with a 4-page English booklet.

You can order the soundtrack internationally via this page. It retails for 3,400 Yen.

Thanks to @theprinceofiris for the heads up!