Another major update will soon be coming to Fire Emblem Heroes! Let’s take a look at everything that was announced in the Version 3.2 Update Notification.
The 3.2 Update will be coming later this week on 7 February. The game will go down for maintenance at midnight UTC to get everything ready. The maintenance will end and the update will go live at 4:00am UTC, about three hours before the usual daily reset.
While Feh already announced most of the changes in the recent Feh Channel, there will also be a few additional updates. Most notably, eight characters will be getting a Weapon Refinery Update. Click on the Read More button below for a breakdown of all update changes.
In the meantime, the Heroes 2nd Anniversary Celebration is still in full swing!
A new daily reward map is available already, and you can also summon from a repeat banner for Alm & Celica’s BHB. It contains 5★ focus characters for Genny, Clair, and Lukas. The Find & Vote Heroes website will go live tomorrow at 3:00am UTC, about five hours before daily reset. Hope you’re enjoying the anniversary celebration!